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Juba commissioner’s body guard arrested for allegedly defiling a teenager.

Juba, South Sudan

June 26, 2022 —The bodyguard of Juba County Commissioner has been arrested at the Munuki Police Station over allegations that he defiled an under-age girl.

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Crime scene ribbon (photo credit: file)

The bodyguard, one of the entourage of Commissioner Charles Joseph Wani, is accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in Munuki residential area on Thursday.

The victim’s uncle Mulu Moses said his surviving niece, who has a hearing impairment, went missing from home, Thursday evening.

After a search, Moses said, her niece was spotted beside a pit latrine at a health center toilet in the area.

Speaking to the media on Friday afternoon, Moses said the girl was taken for medical examination at Juba Teaching Hospital.

“Now, we are still in the hospital, and we are still running the issue, so I cannot tell what happened because I don’t want to lie but they have collected the things that are needed for the check, so we are still waiting for the results,” said Moses.

On his part, the Commissioner of Juba County Charles Wani confirmed that his bodyguard has been held but reluctant to admit the status under which the case was established.

“I just want to inform the public that it’s still not confirmed and let them be calm is such information circulating in social media,” said Commissioner Wani.

He urged the public to be patient as the allegation against his personal protection officer has not been confirmed yet.

“There’s nothing concrete that has happened that Mr. so and so caught red-handed in raping the so-called young girl so this one is not there, is just a claim of this morning,” he said.

The police are yet to make a statement on the allegations.

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