

JMEC Deputy Chairman, Ambassador Lieutenant General Augostino Njoroge, during the two days workshop at Crown Hotel in Juba, South Sudan(Photo: file)
JMEC Deputy Chairman, Ambassador Lieutenant General Augostino Njoroge, during the two days workshop at Crown Hotel in Juba, South Sudan(Photo: file)

Nov 19, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— JMEC Deputy Chairman, Ambassador Lieutenant General Augostino Njoroge, has closed a two-day workshop with the Joint Military Ceasefire Commission (JMCC) on the issue of the cantonment of security forces in South Sudan.

Closing the workshop, alongside Hon. Minister Sophia Pal Gai; JMCC Chairman, Lieutenant General James Ajongo (SPLA) and JMCC Deputy Chairman, Lieutenant General Gathoth Gatkuoth (SPLA/IO) in Juba today, Ambassador Njoroge, said:

“This workshop has shown us that we have much work to do in the future, however, with your combined efforts we can make cantonment a reality within the current peace process for the Republic of South Sudan.

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“The work accomplished here these past two days by the JMCC and other actors and organizations is critical. It is now quite clear that Cantonment will require a tremendous amount of planning, coordination and cooperation within the parties, JMEC, CTSAMM, UNMISS, SSNPS and many other actors.

“The only way forward for cantonment and the final security arrangements in South Sudan, is through an inclusive ARCSS implementation process.

“Inclusivity means inviting all ‘parties’ to join the cantonment and DDR process peacefully, and ensuring genuine representation of the national character in all transformed institutions.

“As we have determined through this workshop, we have many challenges ahead to ensure that cantonment is a success and moves the peace process forward in the coming months. From the workshop, we now have a better understanding of what it will take to make cantonment of forces a reality and that cantonment will require the combined efforts of the TGoNU, regional and international partners.”

The workshop culminated with back briefs from three distinct working groups, made up of personnel from the parties, partners, UNMISS, JMEC, CTSAMM and other experts. Their tasks were to look at and provide recommendations in the areas of:

  1. Options for Cantonment Assembly including short and long-term approaches, and the pros and cons of each, as well as site selection for initial and projected cantonment phases, to include cantonment criteria;
  2. Next steps. That is to say linkages, goals and objectives after cantonment for Force Integration and planned DDR activities and associated timelines (assuming policy guidance of the SDSR and TGoNU)
  3. Logistic and support requirements that include housing, field feeding, communications, transportation, health and welfare and security.

Further workshops and discussion groups are planned in the near future. 


For further information, please contact JMEC Communications Director, Richard Bailey, on+211 954 758540 or richard.bailey@jmecsouthsudan.org

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1 comment

Karlo Momoi Hidang November 20, 2016 at 1:48 am

Mr. Njoroge Uhuru Kenyata has already declared taking side with Salva Kiir against the legitimate opposition forces. What are you still doing in Juba than to dress yoyrself in uniform and fight outrightly. Some of do not have shame at at all to think that South Sudanese do not understand your hidden motives against the success of South sudan.

With whose forces are you negotiating the cantonment sites since Riek is not there to see his side of interest in your deals. Do you think we are not aware of the trap you are designing against some ignorant individual who will show up in the cantonment sites.

For those who are foolish enough to show into those cantonment sites know that the intention is to bring you close enough for easy catch. You will be disarmed under their said DDR arrangements targetted only on your forces and once that has happened, remember the Dinkas you killed along the roads, you will be slaughtered with hideous cruelty.

People like Gatkuoth are not representative of any opposition forces except their own throats. Shameless!


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