Oct 31, 2021 — The Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA), a human rights organization based in Juba, South Sudan pinpoints some unwanted employment practices and calls on foreign embassies that are operating in South Sudan to review their employment doctrines and ensure that such processes are rectified to fairly distribute opportunities to all citizens alike as opposed to specific tribes and region(s).

According to the director of the CPA, Ter Manyang Gatwech, the embassies should distribute their employment opportunities based on the three regions of South Sudan; however, they are found to have indulged in tribal practices that puts job and other economic opportunities at the disposal of just one or two tribes at the expenses of the entire country.
“CPA urges the following embassies in Juba to review their employment status in the country. The embassies should make fair and equal employment based on the three regions of South Sudan 1 Greater Upper Nile region, Jonglei State, Unity State, Upper Nile (2) Greater Equatoria Region, Central Equatoria State, Western Equatoria , Eastern Equatoria and (3) Bahr el Ghazal, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Western Bahr el Ghazal and Lakes State for the betterment of the country and employment opportunities for all citizens. ” Ter Manyang said.
The CPA director points out the U.S embassy as an example of embassies that are employing only one tribe in the country saying their employment is dominated two tribes, Madi and Kuku.
“For instance the 90% employees of the U.S Embassy are Kuku and Madi which make it difficult for other tribes to get a job at the U.S Embassy due to tribal dominance and manipulation.” CPA director said.
Ter argues that economic growth is a fundamental requirement for the development of a country and that’s why western countries are developed due to balance and stable economies.
“Employment is an important part of the economic, social and environmental development process and procedure of any country. Employment provides financial freedom and decision making for the smooth runs for the country’s democracy, good governance and rule of law in the country” Ter argued.
The CPA points out that the U.S. embassy is not alone, other embassies that include the Chinese, British, German, Norwegian, Canadian and European union embassies are also practicing the same biased policies.
“As the Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) we are deeply concerned about the employment opportunities at the Embassies; these include; Chinese Embassy, British Embassy, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Netherlands Embassy, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Embassy of Canada and European Union.” Part of CPA statement reads.
“CPA urges the above- mentioned embassies to consider the following factors when employing somebody these include; region, academic qualifications, South Sudan Labor Law and other factors for Equal Employment Opportunity in the country.” CPA continued.
In addition, the CPA advocates for youth employment and urge the foreign embassies to prioritize youth employment when allocation their job opportunities to applicants.
“The foreign embassies in South Sudan should help reduce unemployment for the youth and young in the country but without discrimination.” CPA director added.