Nov 6, 2021 — The Minister of Public Service and Human Resource Development, Hon. Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro, traveled to his Western Equatoria State to demand to know where retirement benefits and pension are usually spent in the state.

According to media reports from Yambio Hon. Bakosoro is knocking on doors in Western Equatoria headquarters to be shown where the money for pension is kept, in case it is available; otherwise, he demands to know what the money is spent on.
The National Minister of Public Service, who was accompanied by his deputy, Hon. Butrus Gali, also demanded to be shown files of the public servants.
“We have come today here in Yambio with my deputy, Butrus Gali, and the managing director of pensions, Jacob Null and his members. We came to monitor the case of pensions. Whether the money for pension is there or not, and where is it kept if it is there?” Hon. Joseph Bakosoro said.
“Also if the files of the civil servants are there because the money for pension is the right of everyone who worked with the government. So, we came to discuss with the public service at the state level on the matter.” He continued.
The Minister of Public Service educate the state officials on the differences and importance of pension and post retirement benefits of a politician.
Bakosoro says according to the rules of public service and human resources development all public servants are entitled to pension and retirement benefits.
“After saving the government for 65 years you will be paid pension which is for all civil servants not politicians but Politicians have what he termed as post service benefits.” Bakosoro said.
“I want to tell the public that there is a difference between pension and post benefits of a politician. I heard that there are politicians who wanted to go to court for the case of post benefits,” Bakosoro emphasized.
Hon. Bakosoro also discourages politicians from taking legal actions to drag their fellow politicians to court over pension and retirement benefits, saying that they can get their rights as long as they follow the protocols.
“That is not a court case, just follow the legal procedures and you will get your right. Even me, since I was relieved from the position, I did not get post benefits till now and I have not sued someone.” Bakosor said.
The National Minister urges the state minister of public service and human resources development to start building files for pension, saying that over 600 graduates are not employed because pension money are not being paid since the independence of the Country.
In response to Bakosoro’s visit, the Governor of Western Eqautoria State, Alfred Futuyo Karaba, who was appointed on the SPLM/A-IO ticket, appreciated the minister for his efforts to visit the states to look into pension matters, saying “it means the country is moving at the right direction”.
Lt. Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba said he has reformed his government and he will commit to working together with the labor ministry to fix civil servants files ahead of their payment.