Breaking News News South Sudan

Former SPLM/A-IO Deputy for foreign relations regrets joining Dr. Machar

Nov 19, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — The former SPLM-IO deputy chairperson for foreign relations committee, Pasquale Clement Batali, who resigned yesterday, believes that joining the armed opposition movement was the greatest political blunder and a mistake of a lifetime he ever committed in his life.

Pasquale Clement Batali, Former SPLM-IO deputy chairperson for foreign relations committee(Photo credit: courtesy profile/Nyamilepedia)
Pasquale Clement Batali, Former SPLM-IO deputy chairperson for foreign relations committee(Photo credit: courtesy profile/Nyamilepedia)

“Let me take this opportunity to tender my complete resignation from the SPLM-10 movement and desist from its membership and all the activities of the movement with immediate effect,” Pasquale said in a statement.

He accused Dr. Machar of running SPLM-IO single-handedly and not heeding to the reports and recommendations that Batali gave him.

“After my appointment as the Deputy Chairperson for Foreign Relations Committee, you assigned me on many important classified missions whose reports and recommendations I did submit to you, yet you never heeded to those reports and never took any action,” he said

The deputy chairperson accused the SPLM-IO leader of only consulting his close confidants.

“Since you went to Juba, you decided to sideline all the political organs of the movement, the Political bureau, the national Liberation Council and various specialized Committees of the movement. You only consult close confidants,” he added.

Batali said that he advised Machar to attend the peace renegotiation in Addis Ababa but Machar rejected.

According to Batali, Machar appointed an illiterate governor for Western Equitoria State without consulting the senior members of SPLM-10.

He added that Machar encouraged newcomers to the movement who in turn humiliate senior members of the SPLM/A-IO

The former SPLM-IO deputy chairperson for foreign relations committee accused Machar of holding long meetings whose resolutions are never documented or implemented.

He further stated that the movement has never come out with a Blue Print Document on how fundamental reforms would be carried out or implemented and subsequently address the maladies afflicting South Sudan.

“There has never been strategic plans and road map of how to capture political power in the country. I really regret for having been a member of the SPLM-10 under your leadership and I think this was the greatest political blunder and mistake I have ever committed in my life.”

Read the full resignation statement here.

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