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Deeply worried, U.K. strongly condemns crackdown on freedom of speech in South Sudan

Sep 25, 2021 — Addressing the U.N. Commission on Human Rights on Wednesday in Geneva, the UK Ambassador to the UN and WTO in Geneva, Amb. Simon Manley, condemned in the strongest terms possible the recent crackdown on peaceful protests that were scheduled for August 31st by civil society organizations in the country.

Amb. Simon Manley, UK Permanent Representative to the WTO, UN and other International Organisations in Geneva(Photo credit: supplied)

Addressing the plights of human rights in South Sudan alongside human rights abuse in China, Russia, Syria, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Tigray, Venezuela and Belarus, the UK ambassador reiterated that the United Kingdoms is deeply worried particularly given government attempts to stifle peace protests in South Sudan.

“The human rights picture in South Sudan remains deeply worrying, particularly given government attempts to stifle peaceful protest. The Commission on Human Rights remains a necessary mandate.” Amb. Simon Manley said.

The U.K. ambassador also called on a military junta, who has seized power through a military coup in Myanmar, to return power to the “democratically elected government”, a call that may never materialize anytime soon.

“We condemn the military coup in Myanmar, and we call on the military junta to return power to the democratically elected government, and end its serious human rights violations.” Amb. Manley said.

In other reports, the UK International Ambassador for Human Rights Rita French, who spoke at the UN Human Rights Council 48 on Thursday, September 23rd, welcomed the Government of South Sudan’s commitments to address human rights concerns and recent progress on implementation of the 2018 Peace Agreement but also condemn restrictions on the freedom of speech.

“we welcome the Government of South Sudan’s commitments to address human rights concerns and recent progress on implementation of the 2018 Peace Agreement.” Amb. Rita French said.

“However, 10 years since independence, and three years since the Agreement was signed, progress falls well below expectations. South Sudanese people continue to suffer severely as a result of violence, displacement, attacks on humanitarian workers, sexual and gender-based violence, and arbitrary detentions.” She continued.

Ambassador Rita said the UK is deeply concerned and wants the government of South Sudan to listen to their people grievances and allow dialogue without fear.

“The UK is deeply concerned at restrictions on freedom of expression in response to recent calls for peaceful protest. Governments must listen to grievances and allow – indeed encourage – dialogue without fear.” Amb. Rita French said.

The United Kingdom calls on the government to begin delivering its commitments on transitional justice and accountability, and uphold the protections and promotions of the freedom of speech.

“Given this and continued wider abuses, we urge the Government of South Sudan to deliver on their commitments on transitional justice and accountability, and uphold the protections and promotions of freedom of speech guaranteed in the Transitional Constitution.” The UK Ambassador said.

“It is clear that robust monitoring, particularly through the continuation of the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan, also remains essential to support urgent human rights improvements.” She added.

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