News Press Release

CPA Condemns Death of South Sudanese Refugee in Kakuma-Kenya

Juba, South Sudan,

A Kenyan riot police officer kicking a fallen civilian(Photo credit: AFP)
A Kenyan riot police officer kicking a fallen civilian(Photo credit: AFP)

May 6, 2020  (Nyamilepedia) — The Centre for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) has received disturbing reports from the eye witnesses and some news outlets of the death of a 22 years-old South Sudanese refugee residing in Kakuma, Kenya.

Credible and reliable sources have confirmed to the Centre for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) that the deceased was beaten to death by the Kenyan Police on 25th April, 2020 and passed on 26th April.

The young man, identified as Sunday Doang Lony, was a South Sudanese refugee living in Kakuma Kenya and was about to complete his Primary Eight (P.8) 

It is disturbing and sad as well that the Kenya Police mandated to protect everyone within its jurisdiction, including refugees, is the one reported to be violating the rights it is supposed to protect.

It is against this backdrop that the Centre for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) strongly condemns the killing of this South Sudanese refugee and urge the Kenyan government to thoroughly investigate and bring to book the perpetrators of this heinous human right violation.

Kenya is a signatory to both the Refugee Convention and the OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa and it is therefore mandated to protect all people, asylum-seekers and refugees within its jurisdiction. 

The Centre for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) reminds the Kenyan government of its obligation to respect, protect and fulfill under the international laws its mandate of observing the human rights standards that prohibit violations and abuses such as torture and slavery, let alone beating someone to death.

These are non-derogable rights that cannot be restricted or suspended for any reason. 

The Centre for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) family would like to register their heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.


Peter Pal Chuol

Centre for Peace and Advocacy (CPA)-South Sudan

Human Rights Officer 

Contact us on: +211924538137 | +211917799524: Email address: cpa@southsudancpa.org/  cpasouthsudan@gmail.com / www.SouthSudancpa.org 

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