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Chairperson of National Youth Union Suspended over controversial letters to heads of states

Juba, South Sudan

May 13, 2022 — South Sudan’s Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Albino Bol Dhieu, has issued a ministerial order suspending the Chairperson of South Sudan National Youth Union (SSNYU), Gola Boyoi Gola, for writting suspicious letters to heads of other countries without following diplomatic protocols.

Chairperson of the National Youth Union Gola Boyoi speaking to media in Juba(Photo credit: file)
Chairperson of the National Youth Union Gola Boyoi speaking to media in Juba(Photo credit: file)

According to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Mr. Gola allegedly wrote two letters, one to Egyptian President Abdelfattah Al Sisi and another one to the deputy chair of Sudanese transitional sovereign council Gen. Mohamed Hamadan Daglo.

“In exercise of the powers conferred upon me in the article 114(1) of the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011 and amended 2015 and vide Presidential Decree No (33) 2020 read together with article 46(1) of the Constitution of South Sudan National Youth Union (SSNYU), I Dr. Albino Bol Dhieu, the National Minister of Youth and Sports of the Revitalized Government of National Unity do here by issue this Ministerial order no: 12/2022 for the suspension of Mr. Gola Boyoi Gola Chairperson of South Sudan National Youth Union pending investigation effective from today the 12th of May 2022,” the ministerial order issued by Bol reads in part.

According to the order, the suspensions came at the backdrop of “the two alleged letters written to H.E the president of Arab Republic of Egypt and H.E the Deputy President of Sudan Sovereign Council respectively.”

Bol went on to form an investigation committee headed by the head of youth commission at the ministry of youth and sport with members from the ministry of foreign affairs, national security service, as well as from the office of vice-president for youth and gender cluster.

According to the order, the committee “Shall investigate the Authenticity of the alleged written documents” and “Shall Investigate on how possible for the chairperson of SSNYU to directly address the head of states and governments of the Foreign Countries, ignoring all the diplomatic channels and the protocols needed.”

It said that the committee “Shall submit their findings and recommendations within an ultimatum of 15 working days effective from the date of the signature of this Ministerial order” and that “The Investigation Committee shall be located at the Ministry of Youth and Sports

Early this week, Youth leader Gola Boyoi Gola denied responsibility of two letters purported to be written by him to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Deputy Chairman of Sudan Sovereign Council Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Danglo “Hemmeti”.

Prior to this case, Boyoi also issued a number of constitutional decrees firing more than five executive members of South Sudan National Youth Union (SSNYU).

Read the full suspension letter here

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