July 28, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– A senior general of SPLM/SPLA in Opposition, Lt. Gen. James Koang Chuol Ranley, calls on the region and the international community to send their troops to Juba ASAP or else his troops will overrun the capital.
“We want the third forces to be deployed as a baffer zone or else we shall overrun the government forces from Juba.” CDR Koang Chuol said.
CDR, a top SPLA general, who defected to the First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, at the onset of the conflict reiterates that Salva Kiir forces have been attacking their hideout but said they have repulsed all attempts on their position – boosting his confident that his troops could overrun the capital if he orders them to fight.
“The government forces have been attacking us all these long though we always defeated them. Long live the freedom Fighters. Long live the people’s movements Chairman Dr. Machar Teny Dhurgon.” he continued.
Koang and other senior generals of SPLM/SPLA[IO] withdrawn a 1300 infantry troop from Juba after Machar declared a ceasefire on July 11, however, despite the attacks Gen. Koang said his troops are still committed to the Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan(ARCISS).
“We are committed to the peace agreement signed by our Chairman Dr. Machar Teny Dhurgon. ” the senior general said.
Taban Appointment “Illegal and illegitimate“
The top general, who spoke for the first time since the outbreak of the conflict in Juba more than 2 weeks ago, condemns attempts by renegade general Taban Deng Gai to scrap the peace agreement and tries to claim Machar’s position.
Gen. Koang calls Taban’s appointment illegal and illegitimate and orders him to resign.
“The appointment of Cde Taban Deng is “iIligetimate and illegal” we therefore condemn it to the strongest term possible.” CDR said.
Like most of his colleagues, Koang assures SPLM/SPLA[IO] supporters and sympathizers that the army is still united behind their commander-in-chief, Dr. Riek Machar Teny.
“The entire SPLA-IO armies are committed to the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon as such we urge all the members that he had no single army as he claimed.” Koang.
Following the declaration of ceasefire by Salva Kiir and Dr. Machar on July 11th, Kiir’s army fired celebratory gunshots into the air celebrating an alleged report that Gen. Koang and his chief of general staff, 1st. Lt. Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual, were killed that day during an attack on their base in Jebel Kujur, a report that was generated and circulated by a South Sudan ambassador to Washington.
Koang, however, said his troops “fought a good war and defended themselves to the maximum” despite their small number and lack of artillery to fight back gunships and helicopters
The SPLA-IO said their troops lost about 45 service men in the 4 days fighting that has left over 500 people dead and many others displaced.
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We are happy and happy for seeing you and read what you have said today is a happy day for Lou nuer SPLA/m io viva CDR viva Lou nuer viva
Congratulation CDR for speeches you give us today keep on going to capture juba we don’t need rotten meat in house it will poison people remove foolish president don’t waite more au and igad are too late do it
Gatwech Ruiei Puol, do you real belief this article? There are many generals kills on the government side. Do you guys trust media?
Good news to day guys b/c we hard the voice of our GENERAL Koang Chuol we thanks God for that Go head General we are bind you.
Well spoken
we must get rid of this regime of food lovers
they have spoilt the country beyond repair
Yes ,ran ley keep yr troops stronger God is on yr side
Those generals of IO are most skills generals in the field so no doubt about that and they will do a good job.
Good work IO for the job well done you had shown to the world that you have the best talent in war and you can resist any aggression. Therefore, you proven to the world that you are only for peace but if it is war Kiir must go since you have enough confidence on your job bravo!!!
Although Lou Nuer expressed their happiness to seeing and reading words from Cdr General Kong Chuol I cannot blame them as their son but believe me or not it is entirely SPLM/A-IO supportors everywhere who are happy to see and read words from their Cdr General Koang Chuol.
Dear Supporters,
Let us support Peace Agreement and thank to GEN: KONAG CHUOL for those motivate words for your supporters. Let us hope for the best.
wow !! very fantastic message from fearless General cdr. Koang chuol Ranley, I hope yours is not joking dear, of course you will overrun juba and capture that half-cast child and his drunkard president if you order your armies.
The people of South Sudan have dissapointed you twice but keep fighting for the final and total freedom of South Sudan from the tyranny of the Jieng Cancer of Elders. We are with you thought lacking the kind of courage and gallantry you posses.
Please use uniting language that with assure people of a brighter future ahead of us. Do not use divisive language.
This is the real position of the freedom fighters and the entire citizens of South Sudan under the democratic people leader Dr.Machar declared by the powerful, well oriented and patriotic Chief of general Staff Simon Gatwech Dual and his duties,CDR Koang Chuol, Gen.Johnson Olony,Gen Martin Kenyi,Gen Duop Lam,Gen, plus their field commanders Gen Chayuot Manyang Gen Thuok Chuol ,Gen Puk Koang,Gen Khor Chuol ,Gen Ashab Khamis Fahal and the rests warned that, in any slight delay on third force intervention in Juba and continuation of the provocative attacks on the national army (SPLA IO forces) by the tribal militias and unknown gun men under the blotto, primitives, indiscipline and prostitutes Nyakiir M7,Nyamalong M7 and their Joint Crime Every day (JCE)
will let the National Army (SPLA-IO ) whom their main task is to protect South Sudanese national interest, citizens and it sovereignty will overrun Juba. Thanks CDR for timely and the positive reaction on the genocidal regime activities to stop as all South Sudanese from South to North and East to West are 90 % behind the SPLM/A IO.
Congratulation! Cdr koang chuol ran. Ur continue;
This language and action will bring peace to South Sudan. IGAD and international community will not act sooner unless they know war is imminent. Gatmchar should address the world and his supporters directly. Not sound bites and thru spoke person. We need hope and encouragement as general Ranely deliver.
You are right brothers, let’s support peace which was actually SPLM/A-IO demand from day one. Also let what so called king of Awiel (Malong Awan) come down after learning that what he got is just a number which he is using as his charcoals and shouldn’t forget again as he knows now that what he planned for 6 months,
1st. Lt. Gen. Simon Gatwech was able to find its answer just in 6 minutes time.
He looks like a Cow or Mind a Gap. Weakness Cattle’s Raiders.
Thanks GALE FORCE, for addressing them by their real names: i think they will like it if they hear that.
Good compliments to the HEROES! Good job.
You guys are not telling the truth. Where are James Koang Chuol and Simon Gatwech Dual? The Dinka people never hiding information likewise, general Kerubino Kuanyin Bol was killed in Mayom count by Peter Gatdet Yak and we just keep going. Please tell the truth where are these people
I am sorry, I mean Mayom county in former Unity State.
congregation of cdr Koang Chuol for your speech let action very soon thankful all of generally of spla io
Let the illiterate president look closely on the speech of well educated General , Keep going Ranley , Your words Make the entire population of the SPLA IO excited , IO viva,
Machar viva, Not forgotting the Big lion ( Simon Gatwech) !!!!!!!!!!
I will never believe, the is a cooked statement on his behafe. Koang ci liel de ngöth. ke garema cöl vulture.
comrade kong chuol cdr.forget riak brother and join taban deng gai otherwise you be leave outside waiting for your boss but you don,t know where is living currently praise taban as your boss fvp u will not see riak macar again he has gone forever thanks you for your quick understanding.
I congralutation cdr koang chuol ranley for his speech i hope the io will win very soon not peace for bullet only be serious to take action.
That is all we hope me general. Dinka government is nothing to Nuer fighter. Whenever you decide to overrun the capital Juba, we fore sure it never take a week.
I will never ever forget
I gonna told this story to my my grandchildren
long live freedom fighters