Nov 12, 2019(Nyamilepedia) — A confidential report from South Sudan’s Presidential Press Unit reveals that Prophet TB Joshua, who was welcomed on a red carpet earlier, was deported at a strange hour last night.
Speaking to an insider, who declined to be named for sensitivity of the report, the senior Prophet from Nigeria had to be deported at the order of senior officials at 10pm last night due to controversies over his prophesies.
While others concluded that the senior prophet was calling for a regime change others doubted if he is really a prophet as alleged.
Asked of specific reasons, the insiders said the senior prophet was “too boring and after the regime change”.
“The presidential aid became suspicious. He never mention any scripture from the Bible and he did not mention the name of the president in any of his speeches” the insider said.
“He just talked about the nation and new things which some of us believe he was calling for regime change” He continued.
Prophet TB Joshua, who was simply dressed in unattractive suits, encouraged the South Sudanese leaders to work together and forget their bitter past, something that has been said by many leaders and sympathizers.

“Time has come for us to put our differences behind us,” Joshua told the thousands of South Sudanese who gathered to hear his message
“Let us overcome our divisions and allow them to come back and develop their fatherland,” he passionately counselled.
The senior prophet was schedulled to hold prayers across the city today including at the military headquarters, Bilpham; however, President Kiir approved for his immediate deportation last night.
“Supposed to pray for many places including Bilpam” the insider said.
South Sudan’s Juba International Airport does not have the capacity to operate 24/7, however, this specific scenario was approved from the highest office and the insider confirmed “it was more of an order”.
The welcoming of Joshua has created controversies within Juba and across the social media.
While bishops and pastors refused to welcome their fellow man of God, many South Sudanese have criticized the welcoming on social media.
The Nigerian prophet prophesied in late December 2013 after the conflict erupt in Juba that a leader would be captured, which at the time was believed to be president Kiir; however, Kiir developed a relationship with the man of God and since then he has been a good friend.
Since 2014, more than three South Sudanese delegations have visited TB Joshua’s services in Nigeria and presented gifts from President Kiir. One of such delegations was led by the first lady, Mary Ayen, and another by the Vice President James Wani Igga.
Watch: SCOAN 29 Dec 13: Live Service, 2014 Prophecy & Sudan Attack Prophecy Confirmation, Emmanuel TV