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BREAKING: Machar’s Spokesman Dies From Internal Injuries

Late Lam Kuei Lam, a renowned journalist, who served as Press Secretary of SPLM/A-IO from January 2017 till his death on Oct 21, 2017(Photo: supplied)
Late Lam Kuei Lam, a renowned journalist, who served as Press Secretary of SPLM/A-IO from January 2017 till his death on Oct 21, 2017(Photo: supplied)

Oct 23, 2017(Nyamilepedia) — From an internal circulation that shocked many supporters of SPLM/A in Opposition, family, relatives and friends, late Lam Kuei Lam, a renowned journalist and Press Secretary to the main armed Opposition leader, Dr. Riek Machar, was pronounced dead on Saturday Oct 21st in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

At the time of his passing, which relatives and friend couldn’t come to term with, the immediate cause of his death remained a mystery but latest reports from Khartoum confirmed that the late had a fight with a longtime friend and a colleague whom he hanged out with last week.

According to eye witnesses, the fist fight occurred outside his house eight days ago in evening hours and by the time he returned home that night, late Lam shown no signs of severe pain or visible bleeding.

The witnesses, however, alleged that Lam was kicked by his colleague, a close friend whom he went to college with and remained close friends for the last many years.

The kick that is believed to might have caused his death was hit slightly above his kidney and now speculated to might have caused some internal injuries or bleeding that went on for days before Lam reported himself to hospital.

Lam was hospitalized on Friday and by Saturday, yesterday, he was pronounced dead –leaving his young family, relatives and friends in grief and agony.

Despite the speculations, the doctors are yet to release the full reports on what caused his sudden death.

Despite the wait for postmortem reports, the young man who fought the deceased regretted the incident and passing of his colleague, and decided to report himself to police to allow investigation as family and friend grief their lost.

Lam was a father, husband, principle journalist and committed revolutionist in the armed struggled led by the country’s former Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar.

Prior to his appointment by Machar as his Press Secretary, Lam John, as he was known by his colleagues, worked as a freelance journalist with Sky News, Al Jazeera and other international media.

Late Lam succeeded Machar’s former and long-term Press Secretary, James Gatdet Dak, who was kidnapped by Kenyan authority from his resident in Nairobi Kenya in November 2016 and forcefully deported to Juba where he currently remains in prison.

The late was a graduate of Khartoum University and a native of Lou-Nuer subtribe from Akobo of Bieh State.

His sudden death left supporters and family members heartbroken; however, they pledge Lam will be missed but shall never be forgotten.

” A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts, through us, they live on. My deepest sympathies to the family of my friend, brother and comrade Lam Kuei Lam Lam and his mother. Then to his son #Jinai Lam Kuei Lam from today on, your name will be pronounce In front of all in South Sudan, Africa and beyond. I cannot ignore you and Your youngsters including hours old brother that I can automatically call #Liah Lam Kuei Lam.
Your father will be terribly missed here on earth but his words will last forever. He was loved by all of us and he will be cherished in my memories forever. My condolences.

May his Soul Rest In Peace (R.I.P)” Gatwech Koang Toang writes.

بقلوب يعتصرها الحزن والالم واعين اغرقتها دموع الاسى على الفراق المر كل الاسرة الاعلامية تعزي بعضها على رحيل الزميل الاعلامي (لام كوي جون)،الذي صعدت روحه الى بارئها في الامجاد السماوية يوم السبت 21 اكتوبر2017 بدولة السودان
فاقلامنا تبكبك فقد كنت صادقا ووفيا لمبادئك ،نقيا في محبتك، متواصلا مع زملائك ،وكنا نرى فيك الاخلاص دوما للوطن، لقد رحلت عنا وتركت فينا جرحا نازفا يذكرنا بك على مدى اعمارنا، ونعزي اسرتك الصابرة ونسال الرب ان يتنزل علينا بالصبر الجميل وحسن العزاء ولا نقول الا كما يقول المؤمنون في مثل هذه المواقف.
“الرب اعطى والرب اخذ فليكن اسم الرب مباركا” Wrote Michael Christopher.

“This is disturbing. You were a true fighter, a brother and a comrade. We will always miss you brother and friend. May God keep you safe wherever you are. RIP Lam Kui Lam.” Said Lt. Col. Lam Paul Gabriel, SPLM/A-IO deputy military spokesperson.

Nyamilepedia withheld the identity of the accused to allow investigation and trial. More reports shall follow as the case proceeds to court.

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