Breaking News Jonglei state News South Sudan

BREAKING: Jonglei State Arrests more than 38 politicians amid leadership crisis

May 18, 2021 — Latest reports from Jonglei State capital confirmed that at least 38 politicians have been arrested this evening in what seems to be an escalating leadership crisis.

Jonglei State governor Denay Chagor and his Deputy Antipas Nyok during the May 16, 2021 event (Photo credit: courtesy image)
Jonglei State governor Denay Chagor and his Deputy Antipas Nyok during the May 16, 2021 event (Photo credit: courtesy image)

According to reliable sources from Bor, senior politicians that include the former Bor county commissioner Isaac Mamer Ruk, former Gender minister Rachel Amuor Paach and the former RRC director Gabrial Deng Ajak are currently spending the night behind bars in prison in Bor town.

In a statement by Deng Ghai Deng,  a journalist with Radio Jonglei and a reporter for VOA, the former commissioner confirmed their arrest and said that they are worried about their health.

“At least 38 politicians including the former Bor county commissioner Isaac Mamer Ruk, former Gender minister Rachel Amuor Paach and the former RRC director Gabrial Deng Ajak will spend the night in jail in Bor.” Deng Ghat Deng stated.

“Mamer who confirmed their arrest to me a few minutes ago says they are being kept in a room that makes them worry about their health conditions.” He added.

Deng said the reasons for their arrest are yet to be verified but among the arrested politicians are those who signed a petition against Jonglei state deputy governor Antipas Nyok Kucha recently.

The Deputy Governor, who fired Bor town mayor last week but later reinstated by the governor, has been at odds with politicians including the governor.

Read more: Jonglei State in leadership crisis

At the time of this report, Governor Denay travelled to Juba to attend non-oil revenue conference that was organized by National Revenue Authority (NRA) in Juba.

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1 comment

Gol Bel May 18, 2021 at 3:08 pm

“BREAKING: Jonglei State Arrests more than 38 politicians amid leadership crisis”

Just arrest any evil white Americans,white English people,their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, some of their Bantuses, their Abesahas (so-called ethiopians), their sleazy NGOs, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, South Koreans’s mercenaries, kill them and throw them into the Nile and we will be answerable to the parasites/vermins death—–reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.

Lowly informed South Sudanese fools. We are the Ancient Egyptian fools.

Countries which can challenge our country and our people can are a few or a dozen countries Russian federation, I am a red army boy (Jesh El Amer), Red army of Russia were the ones which destroyed the Nazis. Dr. John Garang, my father and my own humble self know all these cheap intrigues from A-Z.

Jesh El Aswuot (Black Army) took up arms in 1983, they were helped by the Russians (the USSR) and other countries

Before the fall of the USSR and Mengistu El Mariam, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute.Our mighty SPLA went and bombed the low lives right in the Jimma, Domidola and other towns in our these wretches who think, they are our equals.

Dr. John Garang told us to withdraw back to South Sudan (then Southern Sudan). Fellows, we are the Ancient Egyptians.

Bring it on again and get away with your usual cheap and dirty intrigue ever ever and would be called god’s children.

‘We got rid of our Pharaohs eons ago’.

Reasons, we are the masters of the world and don’t kings or queen or low lives in our countries and over our people anything.


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