Rumbek, Lakes State.
Sep 17,2021— At least11 women have been imprisoned in Lakes state capital Rumbek for engaging in witchcrafts activities.

The perpetrators have been sentenced to five-month imprisonment and with an alternative fine of SSP 50,000 according to state court in Rumbek.
Speaking to the media, Cpt. Elijah Mabor, the Police spokesperson of Lakes state, said the women are tried in the court after their arrest upon directives by the town mayor.
“The police were sent to go and collect those people practicing witchcraft in one of the residential areas in Rumbek. They were arrested and sent to court and then sentenced to five-month imprisonment,” Police spokesperson Elijah Mabor said.
According to the state senior official, those who can bail themselves out shall be set free; however, state authorities will continue the crackdown on witches until they quit such evil practices in the area.
Over the last two weeks, Juba town Mayor Kalisto Lado arrested many witch doctors in the capital and most of them remain behind bars at the time of this writing.