Feb 25,2015(Nyamilepedia)— The two delegates, representing the warring parties in South Sudan conflict in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, are said to have made agreements that are yet to be finalized on withdrawing foreign forces from the young nation, South Sudan.
According to Emmanuel Paul, who is representing civil society groups on a committee discussing security issues at the Addis Ababa peace talks, the warring parties have concluded a preliminary understanding on withdrawal of foreign troops, which have been battling alongside Salva Kiir forces in the country since conflict broke out 15 Dec-2013.
“We agreed on the disengagement, separation and withdrawal of the forces, including the allied forces,” said Emmanuel Paul of civil society group.
Mr. Emmanuel did not point out a particular unit of foreign troops he was referring to but concluded that “we are accommodating them within south Sudan.”
President Yoweri K. Museveni sent his forces into South Sudan shortly after the young country plunged into violence in December 2013.
Museveni originally claimed that his forces were in South Sudan to protect and evacuate Ugandans, however, his military spokesman Col. Paddy Arkunda later said they were helping the South Sudan army to fight rebels in key towns, including the capital Juba and Bor.
UPDF are still in South Sudan, despite the SPLM-IO’s call for their withdrawal in line with a cessation of hostilities agreement signed on January 23, 2014.
The tentative agreement on withdrawing foreign forces came on the second day of peace talks for South Sudan, which the mediators believe would be one of the last chances for South Sudan leaders to restore peace.
“This round of negotiations is the last chance to restore peace to South Sudanese vulnerable” said Seyoum Mesfin, the lead mediator of IGAD Peace talks.
IGAD has been leading the South Sudan peace process for nearly 14 months, however, the regional bloc has little to be proud of so far, other than an off-violated cessation of hostilities agreement, signed in January last year.
Delegates in Addis Ababa also discussed issues of governance, the South Sudan economy, and how to reunify the SPLM party, which split into rival factions when the fighting broke out.
Last month, the SPLM factions agreed at talks in Arusha, Tanzania, to reunify the party but on Tuesday in Addis Ababa, the committee tasked with discussing the Arusha deal failed to agree on how to implement the broader power-sharing proposal, which is a key to restoring peace.
The committee discussing South Sudan’s economic and financial future also hit a snag when delegates failed to agree on wealth-sharing in young nation.
“In spite of the obstacles, I remained hopeful that the two factions will reach a final peace deal by IGAD’s March 5 deadline”. Michael Makuei Lueth government spokesman.
The latest round of talks has gotten under way without President Salva Kiir’s presence. The US, United Kingdom and Norway, which together make up the TROIKA for South Sudan, said in a statement released on Monday that they were “deeply concerned” by Kiir’s absence.
that is good, the foreign forces such as UN and Nuer of Ethiopia who are fighting in rebels forces, that is what we are waiting this time to bring stability in South Sudan.
Kat Cok, you are the very people who are confusion your President. You misled him with your rotten attitude you have displaced here against the Nuer people who have been killed in Juba.
Kat Cok,is that a joke or you are serious? Well, who can take a person like you seriously as you sound like Kiir’s decree on amnesty. Who can blame confused alcoholics who are too dump to think critically about the nation but their stomachs and pockets. You people are a curse to South Sudan, but do not worry SPLM-IO has cure for you.
Enjoy your loots for time being but time is surely running out for you thieves..
Government is fighting half of nuer for one year and some months!! What if Uganda Rwanda plus some nuer from the Government side and Equatorian are not there would Dinka fight nuer really?let me not Disturb my brain people should learn through observation.
splm/a io is really demanding the updf withdrawal to be effective.
You people keep saying we are fight Dinka and that is not like that forks. If Dinka accept it the way you always put it there will be no Neur that is not a joke you guys believe that.
David, you are such a lier. Why is it that the UPDF are the helping the ethnic regime and yet no signs of defeating the opposition. If the UPDF and the rest of the allied forces currently fighting along side your ethnic regime leaves, it would be fair to assumed that you will be more weaker. Lets just say that the ethnic regiime will be at the mercy of the SPLM-Pagaak once these foreign forces leave. There will be no other way for the government to continue playing games but face the reality of defeat by concessions. Either way it will be checkmate for the primitive king.
David, what will the Ethnic Regime of Jaang do any different once the UPDF and other foreign force fighting along side their forces leave. I mean, that which seems currently illusive to all the combined Allied Forces failed to achieved. Ofcourse nothing but conjure more lies that they are for peace. Your defeat is INEVITABLE.
Let them go and we see the capability of our government
Ahahahahahah! Brother Hoiloom i like that name thieves, you do reminding me with lifetime in Itang one in1985 though 1991, this people are serious with thieve before they wasn’t getting there in 1980 to 1984 we were okay when they came everything was messing up brother they are really thieves for real you not joking.
Thanks Mary Pal, I know these people are only good at stealing the natural resources of South Sudan which explains their reluctant to accept federalism. They know that Greater Baher el Gazal is dry and nothing loot there. I was in Itang between 1988-1991 and I am aware of their thievery behavior and I also stayed and worked with them in Juba from 2009 until the current crises. Believe it or not these people will not see leadership for a long time when they loose this power..All South Sudanese are tired of them
I agree 1000% these powerless “stealers” have unknowing exposed themselves and their political future prospect is slim to none, except they make concessions by March 5 this year.
Hey Gat Nor or whatever your name is take it easy Dinka are not going kill you, truth has to said and that is true if Dinka think that way you guys are thinking Neur will not live in south Sudan that is a fact. Keep beating that drum and you guys will see the result of it, unless you guys change your attitudes of saying this war is between Dinka and Neur. Dinka don’t see it that way even though you did a lot destructions in their areas.
Let them go back to their own land and we should able to manage our problems alone instead of them.
David, stop talking nonsense in the forum. Who is being protected in South Sudan by foreign forces if you got any gray matter up there? If you are as brave as you portray your tribe why sell our sovereignty to Uganda when you can beat the Nuer on your own? What a pathetic liar.. of course there is no shame in your culture, otherwise you would really burry your dump head in the sand.
Hoiloom, gatnor
UPDF can go today and Dinka will be here today, tomorrow and forever. What UPDF has done is saved lives on both sides. Remember, Bor is dinka but dinka is not Bor. every time there is war you run through Bor, kill them, then you lunatics claim to have defeated the Dinka forgetting that Bor is only a quarter of the Dinka tribe. A day when the real war between dinka and nuer occur, it will be a doom day for Nuer. Your sins agains Monyjang are adding up, soon your prays of that war will be answer and I hope will be here to witness it yourself.
You dummies are quick to take action before thinking, Dinka on the contrary think before action. If everyone think like nuer there would be no South Sudan today. Just tell us that you want Naath nation and will be given. Those tribes who like to be in peace will remains as one country. What I know, for sure, with the Nuer greed and unintelligent, the “naath Nation will self destruct within a day.
For those Jaang who are crying for peace, they are not cowards but brave men who want to defeat the real enemy; Arabs. We are not proud when we kill our own brothers regardless of what tribe. We want a united strong Republic of south Sudan, nothing less. however, If thugs like Riek Machar who are being use by our enemy, the Arabs, want to do destroy this country, we will defend it at any cost. Our martyrs who liberated it (including kind heart nuer) didn’t died in vain.
Are you really Wise or should I call you Dump Warrior? It’s a known fact world wide as what caused the current conflict in South Sudan. For almost ten good years, the Nuer watched on sideline while you thieves looted the country dry to the bones. You planned your massacre of our people, but at the end of the day you failed to eliminate us. In a typical Nuer manner, we retaliated as expected and the result is there for all to see. Funny enough you do not feel a shame to admit that you invited Uganda, M23, JEM, SPLM-North to exterminate us but in vain. For your information, UPDF dropped cluster bombs on Nuer civilians in January 2014 and proof is there. Now tell me which South Sudanese lives did UPDF come to save? Nuer including myself are not interested in the destruction of our country and it pains me to see our civil population suffer. If the whole issue was about Dr. Machar, why didn’t you just go after him instead of butchering the innocent Nuers in Juba based on their ethnicity? Of course you can’t answer all these questions because you are crippled to the core just like Salva Kiir is. Take a note on this, South Sudan will never be the same again and we shall not leave any stone unturned. Enough of your thievery behavior and time for someone else to lead this country to prosperity.
Ahahahahahah! Lying theives are very biggest problem with our brothers, if you judge this 15 comment or Wise you will be know it, if you born that way no, one can change you at all. Liar lair.
Evolutionary process in the making. Early man survival was to fight his way through,in order to gain territory and subjugate other neighbors. Peaceful coexistence with other surrounding tribes were never norms of living together. Here is the question, how shall we build a viable nation which we have liberated just three years ago? Can self-destruction be an alternative process,where other international military forces come to guard us like animals in the zoo. For sure, President of Uganda got it right,that he would hang himself,to see UNIMISS, UPDF,M23,CHINESE,ETHIOPIA forces guard us in our country.Shame on us,ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D and N learn to coexist OK.? Let’s build the new Republic of South Sudan.
All your comments above show tendency of deep seated hatred towards each other. Please learn to love one another,like Jesus once said, love your neighbor,in the same way you love yourself.
Here is a known fact; Lt. col Malual biel was the first to shoot his Dinka Deputy who on night duty on that fateful night of december 15 and allow his nuer men to get into the weapon store to take all the ammunitions and types of guns at the headquarters of the tiger division. they thought they were going to capture Juba within two hours. Nuer were 75% of the army and failed miserably on the 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20 of december to capture Juba and succeed in their coup attempt.
You are deceived by your master, the devil killer, Phd holder, Riek Machar to believe that nuer were massacred in Juba. Yes, some nuer, Dinka, and equatorians were kill in Juba but the nuer number alone in Juba could not reached 500 people. the blood sucker Riek Machar is so good at brainwashing you to fight for his cause, all he had to do was lied to you and believe him.
I was here in Juba and work with many nuer colleagues ( not stupid as you) and nobody kill them. If the one who got his Phd in killing nuer and Dinka, the power hungry, president wannabe at any cost, doesn’t die, Nuer for sure will be finished.
Another Piece of Important information to put into your thick skull is that Your God father, Devil blood sucker, Riek Machar has killed More Dinka and Nuer combined then our main enemy the Arabs.
If you are not stupid, learn from the past, history and please think next time before you go on a killing spree based on lies.
Oh and for God sake, claiming UPDF, M23, JEM, SPLA/M North so and so forth sound weak and bitchy, it doesn’t make you sound like a man. Normally, these are the claims of the cowards. there are no UPDF, M23, JEM etc in Nasir, Malakal , Bentiu and all of the nuer land, it is just the government soldiers.
Before the next war, try to have allies. No tribe, no matter how strong, can fight a government, no matter how weak, by itself. And this applies to changing the leadership too. try not to change the leadership through a barrel of gun, you will always loose. What about elections? I thought you knew what democracy means.