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Agriculture remains most underfunded sector in decade – Ministry

Juba, South Sudan,

June 17, 2021 – Agriculture has remained the most underfunded and supported sector in South Sudan since the country attained independence in 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security has lamented.

Agriculture remains most underfunded sector in decade – Ministry
Betty Achan Ogwaro, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security (photo credit: Devex)

At a three-day Consultative Conference on Agriculture and Food Security 2021 held in Juba under the theme ‘LET’S PRODUCE WHAT WE EAT’, the ministry said despite agriculture being the backbone of South Sudan, little effort has been made to support the sector.

“South Sudan needs to double its efforts in giving significant support to agriculture research, extension services provision and inputs to support smallholder farmers, in addition to improvement of road infrastructure and marketing channels and above all, the implementation of policies that favor public-private partnerships in agricultural development for robust and vibrant agricultural enterprises,” the ministry says.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, headed by Betty Achan Ogwaro, says the majority of South Sudanese rely on agriculture for sustainable livelihood.

“Realistically, in South Sudan, agriculture is the backbone and a hope for economic growth and improved livelihood accounting for 36% of non-oil gross domestic products,” the statement says.

“It is the mainstay for the 80% of the population who are rural and practice subsistent farming with inadequate research, extension services, improved seeds, and technologies as well as financial assistance and loan provision,” it adds.

The ministry warns that the total reliance on oil by the government as its major source of revenue could backfire with the future of oil hanging in balance in the global market.

“Currently, the world oil price which is the major source of government income is low and may continue to be low for an unforeseeable period. This poses a shaky and gloomy future for the nation,” it warns.

South Sudan has experienced intercommunal clashes and humanitarian catastrophes in recent years and the Ministry says food insecurity is partly to blame.

“The present food crisis caused by price volatility due to shortage of food as a result of inadequate production or political instability in production areas has caused widespread food insecurity, poverty, more violent conflicts, and national political instability.”

The Ministry says the country has not made use of its infinite water sources for agriculture and called for a shift to a mechanized system of farming if increased crop productivity is to be achieved.

“It is to be realized that the country is in dire need of utilization of its abundant water resources and rainwater harvests for irrigation purposes. This also calls for the need for the adoption of mechanized farming and animal traction as one important pillar for increased food security,” it says.

South Sudan has been allocating only one percent of its annual budgets to agriculture in a country of 13 million people. The country has gone for nearly two years now without national budgets, which means even the inadequate allocation of funds has completely cut off as citizens survive on humanitarian food donations.

However, the Vice President for the Economic Cluster Dr. James Wani Igga said, the budget for agriculture will scale up to 10% when parliament makes its first presentation on a day yet to be fixed.


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1 comment

Gol Bol June 18, 2021 at 1:47 am

“Agriculture remains most underfunded sector in decade – Ministry”

According to some of lowly informed twisted world’s view, they would want every pence to be used on ‘Agriculture and while complaining about lack of salaries’.

Our Nuers ke nyantoc of all people are the most unproductive human beings on this planet earth. In our Gambella region, there is a big farm in our Gambell region, financed by the World’s bank and the IMF Most of what is ground in our Gambella region always go and be sold by Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes in the Gulf Arab states’ evils, some Asians, some European’s countries and manyother countries around the world

And if you ask these low lives as to what they really get from our Gambella region produces, then they will look at you threateningly and screamed at you ‘Jaangs/Dinkas/Muonyjiengs/Jenges’.

The low lives even called themselves Ethiopians or the so-called Israelis in Africa?!!!!

Tell, the low lives everything they would to know, and they would go and remanded it as their own.

South Sudan is even called a none Agriculture country and it is simply because of these low lives. They like to be cramped/guarded into these filthy so-called UN and NGOs’ compounds and be always fed genetically modified cereal or legumes and *then fight their children-like-wars with the *Jaangs/Muonyjiengs/Jenges/Dinkas.

And ran to foreign countries when their children-like-cheap war fares are later challenged and then go and cry babies that they are being targeted by the Jaangs/Muonyjiengs/Jenges/Dinkas. Simply because they are Nuers.

The low lives have been informed time, time and time again to read ‘the Jaangs/Muonyjiengs/Jenges/Dinkas lips’. They are going to be bombed with their masters, reasons out of our country and over our people; pure HATRED and RACISM.

Listen lowly informed fools, there is a country called Haiti, in Caribbean. Canada, Cuba. The Haitian people kicked out the French legions out of their Country. They were bullied to pay their en slavers in Frances.

A lot of Haitians are in Montreal, Quebec province of Canada, they even speak good French than my own self. Democratic of Republic Congo (D.R.C), Central Africa republic (C.A.R), and most of their West lives whom we are going to bombed to near oblivion/extinction.

We are going to see, who have ‘the MILITARY MIGHT’ than these vermins/parasites. The so-called United security council (UNSC); of the US, the UK and France are going to be *WIPED OUT of this PLANET once and FOR ALL.

Where are *Mr. Pope Francis (a scrounger from then Argentina), Queen Elizabeth, Benjamin Netanyahu, Abiy Ahmed, Barack Hussein Obama, Ban Ki Moon, former South African piece of trash, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, current president of Rwanda, Mr. Paul Kagame, former, former president of Tanzania, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete, current president of Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, his rival, Mr. Raila Odinga, a piece of trash who even brags that he is, a CIA operative in Africa, former Abesha (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes low life of Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn, former Nigerians’ president, Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo and other pieces of trashes fools.

Our Nuers ke nyantoc piece of fools were taken from Kakuma refugee camp to go and run in Brazil, as some kind of their US, their UK, their sleazy NGOs SHOWCASE in Japan.

Who is going to and play OLYMPIC Japans?!!

And our fools like to be used as expendable would come back and brag that they are on par with South Sudan and the South Sudanese people. Good luck fellows.

Japanese people are respected here in South Sudan. But let any evil ever ever again dare try to bring the evil white Americans, English people, their cloned so-called Arab of North Sudan, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their UN, their sleazy NGOs and some of their creeps in between who thought we are their equals and those lives would be as good as dead. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM lurks HERE.


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