
A Group of Government Soldiers Join SPLA-IO

A group of government soldiers join the opposition forces in Amdalwich front (Photo Tap Koang Thany)
A group of government soldiers who join the opposition forces in Amdalwich front (Photo Tap Koang Thany)

April 20, 2015 (Nyamilepedia)—-More defections still hit the government of President Kiir Mayardit whose army defects every now and then accusing him of lack of good governance and shortage delivery of services to all soldiers in the front lines.

According to our source in Amdalwich military barrack, a Platoon  has defected today from Juba government troops and join SPLA-IO under the former Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

On the their arrival at Amdalwech the special division one head quarters under Gen. Koang Chuol Ranley, they were received by Brig Gen Peter Liem Bol and Brig Gen Peter Puok Koang.

 “I will like to congratulate you for the brave decision and action you have taken to join the People’s Moment”  Said Brig Gen Peter Liem

On their side the 2nd.Lt Comrade Gatjang Bethoah Yuaal the Commander of the defected platoon said he is very thankful to SPLA-IO especially the Division One Leadership for welcoming them.

“I am very thankful to the leadership of division one for the warm welcoming, I and my colleague are very happy and will be committed to work with you till the end ” said 2nd.Lt Comrade Gatjang Bethoah Yuaal

However, Gatjang Bethoah blame their former colleagues for bad treatment and higher rate of discrimination…

Nyamilepedia will update the public accordingly


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Abuchook April 20, 2015 at 8:05 am

Oooh my God Bunches of selfish interested individuals.. stop bias rebellion…Juba government don’t feel it when you just rebellion and not bringing the fight to Juba city. It is matter of time..If we can not see far enough or history will repeated itself this Is what I am not happy about if that happens.
Some may not agree with me but we are slowly losing the fight even if most of you don’t see it clearly. Most regular citizens in the villages are tired and suffering and even don’t know the benefits we are fighting for…they are misinformed with no clear mission and goals…villagers are confused whether government or rebels…we are just Internet warriors not front line..on ground Is very worsen day and night..I have seen it..we are done loose because same leader same vision some years way back failure leadership of RIEK.
I knew him personally and professionally but RIEK needs to change our rebellion vision and strategy…from bias visionless to more diverse collected one…He always think of us Nuer Nuer Nuer people…RIEK you are not the only leader of Nuer people and that’s why you failed in 1991 and 1997..
Learn idiot…you are just PHD TO KILL OUR NUER PEOPLE..I visited Lou and Gawaar areas 6 times and Bentiu and Ayod and Akobo wow wow…I am shocked of what I have seen…they lose 2 generations..young people that are easily to convince and send to fight for one man self interest. Lou and Gawaar if you are in this Internet please visit our home villages and see for your self: your views and vision will change completely…
Thank you very much

William Nyuon Kier April 20, 2015 at 8:06 am

Congrats 2nd lt.Bethoah for a wise decision you have made to joint the demos movement as the best option as per your destinct and leaved the doom government who lost legitimacy,discriminating his own citizens turn to tribalists state. The time for warlord is over, let bring Dr. Degrees,Diplomas and O-level just let the illitrate give room to the above grade. At all Kiir Must Go!!!

Mony Ebai April 21, 2015 at 4:52 am

William Nyuon, why are you happy with the defection of some primitive soldiers who decided to join fool Dr,Riek in the Hotel in Addis war cannot be won in the foreign countries.I wish this war to continue upto 2040 so that you see how war itis,why do you support the rebel and you are in the hotel in Addis with fool Dr, Riek,Now as Iam writing this text Iam in frontline in Bentiu in Villages of Nuer who are defected to join Dr fool Riek come and see me stupid.

GatNor April 20, 2015 at 8:39 am

There are millions of reasons to defect from the terrorist ethnic regime. Congratulations & welcome to the struggle for freedom comrades

Mony Ebai April 21, 2015 at 4:37 am

GatNor,defection will finish you Nuer,the only thing you don,t reason for you rebell to RULE south sudan you need 40,000 years in the bush fighting not in the hotels in Addis.

GatNor April 22, 2015 at 9:47 am

I am not after leadership buddy. I am from an egalitarian society where one must know what it means to lead instead of looting and corrupting. Having say that I want you to understand that leadership should not be confused with dictatorship and what we have here is dictatorship that must go. The next person will be from any of the 63+ tribes and it wont matter as long as he or she is the right person to unite the country and lead it into the hands of future generations coherently and peacefully guided by democratic principles of law and orders. I must remind you that with decrees any idiot can call himself or herself a leader. If leadership is your problem, then I am sorry to disappoint you that its not my problem as a person.

koch gatkuoth kikuey April 20, 2015 at 9:46 am

Congratulation General Bethoah for your defection. you are highly welcome by the freedom fighters movement. thank join your people and fight for freedom.

AGUMUT April 20, 2015 at 10:16 am

They are still Nuers. Who is their leader,since Machar never speak publicly?

Abuchook April 20, 2015 at 11:22 am

Ooh my God… my nuer people please God help us since we are on the road map to No Where.The Road to No Where: is what the history knows us. We celebrate and congratulations without real actions with too big impact that Juba city can feel.
These brothers can easily rebelled and joined RIEK so what but none have any big wound on the government.
Here is my point please my Nuer people don’t just rebellion as only Nuer people but bringing in many other ethnic groups with you.

I have a feeling that this RIEK rebellion will fail again again again as always because of all these attitudes of thinking as nuer Nuer.. then me me me me and as us us us Nuer only.

Dak kuol April 20, 2015 at 12:01 pm

Whether the movement is running by nuer, the change they are dying for is for all s sudanese non of ur concern.

GatNor April 20, 2015 at 12:13 pm

You are bothered by a group & a few that are rebelling because you know very well that the direct consequences of those defections amounts to a larger #of manpower, boost in morale, greater collective consciousness and awareness in dealing with those thugs in Juba.

I don’t understand why a defection of Nuer individuals that have been fooled with handout cash & empty promises emotionally disturb you. Are you coming to your senses now that you, M7, Kiir & Palong have failed in chasing after Machar and the Nuers and it is finally sinking in that they are finally making a clear and a conscious decision by have experienced seeing the oppressors for what they really are..

Not only that they have defected but they have publically denounced the ethnic regime that is evidently too deformed to be reform. Who really wants to associate themselves with or be a parcel of a system that is characterized by deformity. Oh yeah, never mind you are in that system so yes I see your quarrel.

Emmanuel April 20, 2015 at 8:56 pm

Abuchook you are right there is no nuer war .it is rebels vs government some people have been brain wash by Dr tany.

GatNor April 20, 2015 at 11:39 am

Unlike the leader of your ethnic regime Machar does is not everything, he Macahr has a position with specific advisors on a range of issues and an office that independently often have ultimate decisions prior to a popular consultations. Machar’s job tittle neither includes public relation office or press office, information office. Machar unlike your primitive chief of Jaang herds(Kiirr) who is running South Sudan like a Jumbo-Village does more actions, strategises & plan new ideologies to continue clear vision for the future of his people of 63+ ethnic which is a serious job of a responsibility since he does not have the luxury of sending out a decree & to quickly retire back to the drinking table like Kiir does. You will hear very soon from the department of information & public relations like Junior Garang pretty soon or the the military wing of the same department. Whether Macahr makes a who cares if Machar makes a statement or not. This is not a show-off contest just incase you don’t get it yet. Just announce your defection so we can all welcome you and help you abandon tribalism and that phobia you have of Nuers, Machar, Junior Garang,& his mother.

Diplo Guest April 20, 2015 at 11:24 am

Those who are still thinking that salva kiir regime can mysteriously do something to them, please forget about it and join the people movement spla-io under a nationalist leader Dr Riek Machar before it is too late for you.

AGUMUT April 20, 2015 at 11:47 am

You are mentally ill,you have spoiled and abused Dinka and you call on the same people to join you.

Sobat April 21, 2015 at 5:03 am

please Diplo,don,t mislead the people Dr fool Riek is a hunger hyena who don,t know where he is going.keep on supporting him and you will soon exhuasted Riek is not a leader completely he will not not RULE south sudan one day.his supporters will be finished after him

Wie April 20, 2015 at 12:26 pm

Very good them becouse nuerei.their concern is, to see it.like now.

augustine April 21, 2015 at 12:29 am

Never celebrate,it is still early my friend.the most peculiar thing is that some section of nuer are still thinking of overthrowing the president.you miss your chance which was 15 dec 2013 but am quite sure you couldn’t have three days in Juba.what are know is that nuer are brave but dinka are courageous

Goweng Torbar April 21, 2015 at 11:03 am

More victory are coming ”LET MY PEOPLE GO”


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