Dear Brig. Gen. Malaak Ayuen Ajok,
By Cde. Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut,
Revised at 12:05Am, April 27, 2015(PST)

April 27,2015 (Nyamilepedia)—-I am writing this few paragraphs to you for the reason that you are well informed of. Gen. Malaak, everyone is unhappy about how you held and utters your daily presentation in [SSTV] the country’s popular Television.
The Country’s tribalism rate, nepotism rate and killing rate is continuing to be higher just because of your hatred discharges to public through the national TV.
Brig. Gen. Malaak Ayuen Ajok, I am a simple man who is prompt to react, I stopped watching the state own Television because of your hate speeches and messages against other tribes in the country, and I hope many others lost hope the same way to watch the country’s TV (SSTV) for reason clear to be you destroying the media.
Gen. Malaak, hatred only bring a man down to a total destruction rather than making a man successful in life, I would advise you to review your presentation and to fully abstain from dirty politics for it is written in the transitional constitution of 2011/ SPLA act that soldiers shall not participate in the national political arena. Brig. Gen Malaak Ayuen, I want to remind you of the crimes you committed some years back.
Malaak Ayuen’s 1st offence
Between 1986-1987 you were an officer in Military Police unit deployed in Bentiu ‘Tharkuer’ barrack. You were a controller of armory and other valuable staffs in the barrack since you were among the few intellectuals in that barrack.
With your heart of Satan you decided to sell guns to the local population which made you to be arrested and taken to Leer town which was the HQts of Dr. Riek Machar who was by then had the current ambassador to Russia Hon. Telar Ring Deng as his chief Justice and whose court was in Leer too. You were kept for some months in Leer military prison by his Lordship Justice Telar Ring Deng.
The same Telar made consultations with Bonga/Bilpam general headquarters for your possible sentence to death for violating the regulations of the movement and for selling the weapons.
Dr. John Garang on hearing the case immediately issued an orders that read “Lieutenant Malaak Ayuen MUST be killed through firing squad”. As commanded, Justice Telar approved the Chairman’s order and dressed you up for your fateful dismiss, but what happened next?
When the letter reached the desk of Dr. Riek Machar, the current leader of the opposition, he decided to downplayed the orders and look for other possible and peaceful ways to get you out of situation. At the same time, Dr. Riek must have been your Angel Gabriel, sent by none but God to save you!
He, Dr. Riek, and his boss, Dr. Garang, agreed to set you free due to some facts that Dr. Riek Machar had lateral understanding with Garang, through understanding Dr. John forgive and forget your incident. I wish it should be a lesson you should not forgot so easily.
Although both you and Telar later turned against your personal savior, Dr. Machar Machar, it wasn’t very long ago (August 2013) when Telar accused Dr. Riek of reversing your death sentence although he was not a lawyer. So Mr. Malaak, what unite you with your killer (Telar) today against your savior must be none but Satan.
Malaak Ayuen’s 2nd Offence.
I thought you had learned. After you were freed from jail, you was set for mission to take the 4000 children (Red army), who were stationed at Koch Mayiandit County, together with Brig. Gen. Ruai Makuei, who was by then a Sgt. to Bonga for military training.
Gen. Malaak by the time you left Adok el Bhar, for Tayer, Ziam-Ziam and unto Shambe where you ordered the Ship Captain to station the ship for a day and asked the Dinka of Lake state to load cows inside the ship which was small to carry too many cattle.
After collecting money from the passengers who loaded the ship with their cows. You ordered the captain to continue with journey toward Bor. Not far from Shambe, the ship wrecked and killed almost the entire crew God was great there was survivors to name but only few.
Among the survivors was Gideon Gatpan Thuor, former commissioner of Mayiandit County, Mr. Makuei William, SPLM Secretary in Koch, Brig. Ruai Makuei and few other survivors.
The children [red army] were lost and the cows that overloaded the ship also perished. When Dr. John Garang De Mabior heard the news that the red army had sank to death in River Nile due to your recklessness, he sent a unit of army to arrest you and take you to Jabel Buma Prison where Kerbino was jailed.
Dear Malaak Ayuen, who among the Dinka commanders came for your help? There was nobody. Who was bold enough to confront Dr. John Garang to withdraw his decision of killing you? There was none but only Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, the only Angel who can save a sinner like you twice.
After the split of SPLA, the officer who was in charge of Jabel Buma jail was from Nuer of Gajaak. When the movement split, he also defected to Dr. Riek’s faction, taking all the prisoners with him including you, poor Malaak, and you were delivered to Dr. Riek in good condition.
Not so long afterwards, you became the writer for the commander himself [Dr. Machar]. The kind general even promoted you, given his good hospitality, not knowing that you were a wolf in sheep clothing till you deserted to the other side in Panyagor where Cdr. Kuach Kang met his death.
Perhaps I also understand how you left SPLA for refugee camp and to come back in 2004 when Gen. Salva Kiir the current incumbent President defect against Dr. John Garang de Mabior. This was the moment you returned together with your colleagues Michael Makuei Lueth and Telar Ring Deng and joined Salva Kiir because you already had no position in Garang government.
Had it not been the fateful death of Dr. John Garang, you could have been in exile or dead by now.
And the same Good Samaritan, Dr. Riek Machar, you hate so much today made your boss Kiir to reconcile with Garang in Rumbek in 2004, which made us reached to where we are today.
If Dr Riek didn’t speed up to resolve the differences between Kiir and Garang, we could never have achieved the Comprehensive Peace Agreement [CPA] and get our Self-determination, yet it would hurt you so much to hear that Dr. Riek Machar is the Father of Independent South Sudan when you never had the nation but looting and corruption at heart.
Let’s learn to be thankful in life for what goes around comes around. South Sudanese are tired of tribalism, corruption, nepotism, ignorance/ supremacists race, violence and hatred among others.
We need eloquent presenters to preach peace and re-conciliatory messages to all ethnics in the country, instead of Malaak Ayuen who does not know how to say peace and forgiveness but violence and looting.
I have spoken my words and may gods of the land hear my voices………………………..
Reach me at
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Your comments against Gen. Malaak may be right, but what is not right is your attempt to change what you see as a bad Dinka government by force. Bad governments all over the civilized world are changed peacefully through the ballotbox and nit through the bulletbox.
How do you see the culprits of Dec/2913 massacres brought to justice through voting poles even though the criminal ring leader clearly said he is the leader and will always be the leader of that country South Sudan. Explain to me how you see the rule of law should favor these criminals when everyone else in the country that commit even a misdemeanor of a crime is brought to justice but not kiir and his cabinets, Jaang elders, and the terrorist tribal militias called presidential guards. I have never seen a case where the culprits are rewarded by being a part of the juror who decides their fate in a court but in South Sudan its perfectly find because why? Nuer lives don’t matter? Why is it that should the government not be changed when the law makers(parliamentarians) are powerless to do so by impeaching the criminal Kiir and his gangs. Entail me on how you see it done changes, justice or rule of law practiced. If your question is tribally motivated like it seems then its best you hit the road and continue browsing because you have the wrong guy for that type of confrontation.
Those of Malaak Ayuen and Telar Ring don’t hear through their ears but through their eyes and noses. They will soon learn the biggest lesson that they will never forget for generations to come because they are part of this well plan war on our nation.
They have impose this war on us because of their hatred towards the only visionary man on the land of South Sudan in the 21st century, who is and was braved enough to say no to all injustices done in our nation starting with Dr. Garand down to this adapted son of Mayadit slave Salva Kiir and his partner in crime adapted son of Kaguta from Rwanda known as slave Yoweri Mueseveni of Uganda.
Malaak Ayuen and Telar Ring also forgot the good things done to them by the same Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon.
These two thugs and their Leaders will go together in the historical books as criminals who have fail the people of South Sudan and Uganda terribly during the period of huge prosperity in both nations as well as the region of eastern African Countries, They have damage our good sisterly neighborhood beyond repair for years to come and the histories of these nations will never forgive them at all.
Many Thanks cde. Siriir for bringing this man CV out. When every first born of the family becomes greed, most of his followers are greedy too. Nobody is watching SSTV now a day because of that ugly man called Mallak. Dr. Riak is a godfather to many Dinka including Salva Kiir himself, during 1991 Salva was a chief security for Riak but when the time came he refuse to go with Riak and Lam together like what was done by Nhial Deng Nhial and Machael Makuei they were voting for reform and even attained December 6 2013 reform meeting but when Salva came boldly to challenge and promise that he will shot bullet to those reformist, they join Kiir side what a shameful betrayers! You deeds good to them they turned as your foolishness
He was seriously working hard to have Dr Machar disappeared on earth! and. That all nuer to be diminished that is right? Thank you mr sirire Gabriel tell the truth, the truth will sets you free.
Malaak is the Worst Enemy of South Sudan Nation, I am sure he will get his reward one day.
There are so many story tellers in this world, that is why fiction writers are popular.
Those who hate you can put your name in a very negative story and those who love you will put your name in a good one. So, only those idle minds and those who hate Brig.Gen. Malak will enjoy reading that nonsense and feel happy. This is human nature.
Are you objecting all those allegation against Malak? You must be his right hand man aren’t you? It i’s not wrong to defense malak, however,don’t forget to balance.
Letter from Dr.Garang ordering the execution of Ayuen by firing squads = FACTS
Boat sinking incident overloaded with cows & RED ARMY RECRUITS = FACTS
The released Ayuen during the defection of that Jikany prison guards is = FACTS
So really, your man is a vomit licking dog.
What could South Sudan TV staffs, crew, and the whole management say in defense of this useless co-worker of theirs.. Nothing, Zip, Zero!!!!!
its true Satan is the one controlling our brother but God is in control over both of them salva kiir and Dr Riak
Many thank Gabriel for telling your people the back ground of Tribal man Malaak.
We want you also to give us the back ground of Mr. Michael Makuei Keiya who is the worst ever spokeman , these two men are dangerous than Ebola.
Dear Nuer brothers,
Keep confusing yourselves with lies out there till you all come back to your senses.
Nuer aren’t what you think my dear, it’s opposite. Wake up, this is 21th. We(south sudan) shouldn’t be directed by illiterate person.Why because south (land)has been in on this location since the creation of this universe. Salva hasn’t right to destroy the people land he might has to destroy his property in any where,but this land that killed more than 2.5m people as projected by many.
Please, trying to understand the problem that salva has by hirring other people to kill south sudanese.It would be sad to have support a criminal that killed children,woman,and elderlly people that have no power to defense themselve. Try to digest that if it is right.
riek was also forgiven by john garang and spla/splm when he killed people in bor and subatanged people movement capturingof juba and other towns in 1990s. riek killed malaak relatives in 1991 and 2013 and that is why he is bitter with riek the way nuers are bitter with deaths of their relatives in 2013 with kiir. May nuers should for their own tv station to paint splm juba negatively instead of somebody (malaak) doing his work with tv station in juba. have your tv station in pagak. leave malaak alone as he not your rebellious nuer.
nothing good will come out of nuer. nuer killed dinka recruits when they were going to bonga to train as soldiers to liberate us from york of oppression. what contributions did make to south sudanese?. nuers are well known rebellions and backstabbing. you should the histories of our struggle.
By the way we do not entirely say Riek is the worst human being but he has some humility,having saved him from those terrible times is so grateful and we wish him well in his hideouts.Let him refrain from staging rebellion and seeks leadership in peaceful means,because those who died in his wars are his electorates too.
Ater, wake up mr, stop running after Riek. He done anything but tried to correct John Garang in running splm as if he own it. i can see now that no one has attempted to challenge salva., It ‘s because some of us in south seemed to have some forgotten the history.
Mr. Malaak Ayuen & these Nyamilepedia guys like ater, deng, Jamal Yor, Deng II, AGUMUT, thoncamkepeelen(camcieth) see the conflict with the scope of tribal lens without valid justification apart from that of 91 split making the issue very tribal indeed.
Good mr sirir
all what you said are truth
just continue if you have more ideas to the people who are following the leader wrong way and destructin, the peace and democratic enemy
there is a lot of people looking for money and a lot of people are also looking for peace but we don’t want reik and their group, we need them to putdown their fight. With government
good news to hear from you(Gabriel)
I really wonder why gov’t gave that position to tribalist like Malaak to be director of information and public relation… you have told us good Cv of malaak that always deny the mass killings of south sudanese every Wednesday show…… this planned have been there for some year…. but I hope that time for the matter will be over very soon.
us south Sudanese, we need to know the Cv of everyone in this war….
when will ngungdeng son learned from their mistakes, rebels in not a sins but how you do it is a problem, since Gai tut ,Nyuon beny and Riak to be candid there must be other person from other tribes who may rebelled with those .whom i just mentioned their names like kuanyine Bol , Arok thon and martin kenyi but no one followed them from where they they came from, i,m Nationalist but truth
Makuei Lueth and Malak Ayuen are part elements fuelling and preaching this political crisis to seem as tribal war between Dinka Nuer in south sudan. There explanation frustrated some of they loyalists to government such ad gen khamis of lakes state to join rebellion to shown his manhood. They have no proper language then threatening people to take arms to meeting their interests in the governments. They prepared guns an option of address issues and to silence people from questioning the performance of the governments.