Contributor's Nicholas Osobi


By Nicholas Osobi,


SPLA-IG Chief of Staff, Paul Malong Awan(Photo: file)
SPLA-IG Chief of Staff, Paul Malong Awan(Photo: file)mal

March 6, 2017(Nyamilepedia) —– In the holy bible, it is written that no one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you’ll be devoted to one and despite the other.

Paul Malong’s tribal fighters are facing similar dilemma. They have to choose between tribal cause or their breads. One of his Mafias who asked for anonymity for fear of reprisal, confirms that his bread matters more than fighting for a tribal cause and he has proved this by leaking his master’s secret speech in Nimule in exchange for fresh cassava.

On the 27th of Feb, the 55 years old Viagra addict (Paul Malong) made unannounced visit to Nimule following the embarrassing defeat of his forces at Moli Andru, and addressed his fighters in Dinka language, leaving all other non-dinka soldiers in a state of shock and puzzle as they were left to fill in the blanks. According to the leak, Paul Malong deliberated on the following issues in his two hours’ address;

1.The ambush at Moli Andru

Paul Malong admitted the defeat of his forces in Moli Andru by civilized IO forces but he called the incident as an act of cowardice.

“Laying an ambush is the same as attacking someone while they are asleep. And that’s all they can afford.” Said the tribal leader.

Such utterances only confirm how naïve the depressed army boss is. In the rule of engagement, you don’t ask your opponent which tactics they should adopt. They can lay ambushes in the cassava fields, creeks or even attack barracks on broad day light at will.

The army chief of staff promised to retaliate and wipe the freedom fighters out if they don’t surrender.

“We have every means within our disposal and we’ll teach them lessons once and for all.”

“Yes, they have woken up the sleeping giants. But this time, I said this time………” He continues.

However, any logical person would wonder why it has taken this long for “the sleeping giants” to be awaken if for real Malong is not out of his mind. The IO forces have always crashed them along the same road but Malong thinks this particular incident is so special than the rest. What a delusion!

  1. The issue of cattle

Malong said that they have the right to protect their cattle that’s why they assigned generals and brigadiers to guard the dinka kraals all over Equatoria.

“We’ll use gunships and tanks if necessary. This is our government, not theirs. Where were they when we were fighting the Arabs?”

“You all know the answer,” he said.

The IO forces have been accusing the regime for using kraal as command and control centres. By Malong plainly acknowledging this fact, only proves the IO’s allegation as factual.

  1. Traitors in the army

Paul Malong cautioned his army to look at each other’s back. He said there are some elements within his forces who differ in values and don’t speak in the tongue of the mighties (dinkas). “Such people”, he said “Must be looked at with winked eyes”.

Perhaps this explains why he chose to speak to his dinkas only, and in dinka language. The non dinka serving in the army are doing so at their own risk otherwise the tribal leader considers them as “wrong elements.”

  1. Nimule, Mugali, Loa, Pageri and Moli belong to Dinka

Malong mentioned some places in Magwi which he claimed are Dinka lands, these include; Nimule, Mugali, Loa, Pageri and Moli. And he said they would fight to defend it. Why he chose those places was unexplained. However, we all know all those claims are not worth discussing because they are untrue.

  1. Tracking IO collaborators across the borders.

The child soldiers’ boss boasted about their strong spy networks across East African countries, saying they can track down all IO loyalists in East African countries. This claim is undisputable because a lot of suspected IO supporters have either been killed while in foreign soils or deported to face the unknown back in South Sudan.

This move has caused distrusts and suspicions amongst South Sudanese living in Adjumani, Moyo, Arua and many parts of Uganda because people accused each other falsely, and one can become a victim anytime. Innocent people who have nothing to do with Juba regime are also accused of being as agents. This makes them being hated in their own community.

All these have been caused by barbaric and incompetent regime of Kiir; good at nothing but to divide and destroy unity among its citizens.


Paul Malong made a rushed conclusion saying he was coming back to continue with his speech but he went for good. According to the informant, Malong was rushing to attend nature’s call (toilet) and he was visibly under pressure. He made 3 toilet visits during the two hours’ address. Most probably he had stomach problem or prostate illness that’s why he must visit toilet every half an hour.

Nicholas Osobi,

Revolutionary Columnist,

Email: nicholas.osobi@columnist.com

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