Contributor's Nicholas Osobi

Paul Malongs’ Child Soldiers in Ma’diland,Fleeing to Uganda as Refugees.

By Nicholas Osobi,

South Sudan government accused by the Human Right Watch for using children to fight the war in Bentiu(Photo: vice)
South Sudan government accused by the Human Right Watch for using children to fight the war in Bentiu(Photo: vice)

Sept 5, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– Last Wednesday’s ambush at Kerepi by the unknown gunmen, seems to have sent an ominous wave across Magwi, forcing some of Paul Malong’s child soldiers to flee to Uganda. Reports coming from the ghost town of Nimule indicates that dozens of Malong’s malnourished recruits, most of whom are of school age, crossed to Elegu to register as refugees following the deadly clash in Kerepi which caused 19 lives of their fellow kraal mates during cassava stealing mission.

Sources from the refugees processing centre at Elegu, Uganda border town revealed that the fleeing fighters in Elegu had difficulties explaining their stories to the UN staffs due to language barrier since they don’t speak any human language apart from Dinka. It is a big embarrassment that Kiir and his cliques have embezzled billions of dollars and yet they are unable to educate their people. He uses them to defend his tribal government only.

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When some of the fleeing child soldiers were asked why they have deserted the army, they admitted plainly that they fear facing the invisible fighters operating in Ma’diland. They claim those fighters can strike like lightning without warnings and they are not visible.

“How can we fight with invisible things?’’

“We only hear gunshots and see dead bodies but we don’t see the shooters.” Said one of the frustrated underage deserters who spoke to revolutionary columnist through an interpreter.

The child soldier’s account confirms claim made earlier on by traditional landowners of Magwi that their defending forces become invisible to invading forces, and their ancestral spirit can send epidemic diseases such as choleras to clear the invaders till purity of the land is fully restored, meaning; all the dinkas who are forcefully grabbing Ma’diland will be no more.

Could this perhaps explain why the SPLA-IG forces in Kerepi also didn’t see “who” or “what” attacked them because all Malong’s child soldiers can tell is that they got quashed by some deadly dudes, but other details defy their understandings.

Some asylum seekers at Elegu, knowing that Malongs’ boys without gun can do no harms, took the opportunity to express their frustrations toward them. One young lady asked;

“Will you go and molest women in the refugee camp also?”

Another Old man also told them that his five years old grandson is more educated than all of them (Malong’s fighters), because they only know how to use gun, and that their president is not preparing them to face the real world.

The crimes committed by Kiir’s government is now becoming a global concern. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), in its recent report implicated his forces in the recruitment of child soldiers since the July 7th return to hostilities, and have asked his government to immediately halt such unlawful acts. But to effect this. commendably, the child soldier recruiter, Paul Malong and his senior commanders’ activities must be brought to book immediately.

Nicholas Osobi is a Revolutionary Columnist. He can be reachec at nicholas.osobi@columnist.com

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Nicholas Osobi September 5, 2016 at 3:39 pm


In the second paragraph, please change the word “embezzlement” to “embezzled”.


Nyamilepedia September 5, 2016 at 4:06 pm



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king kong September 6, 2016 at 9:23 am

Children should be given their chances to the embrace education & the great enlightenment in the real world. They are the future generations for RoSS, not tools and human shields to defend Kiir’s rotten govt.

Nicholas Osobi September 6, 2016 at 7:30 pm

King Kong,

You have said it correctly but the regime is so myopic that they only think of today and today only.

king kong September 7, 2016 at 7:23 am

Kiir’s family is the most worst and ugliest dysfunctionals children in Juba and Kenya, as his son was arrested in Kenya intoxicated in bar in 2013&14.
That why kiir have no remorse to use future generations children in war because his own children were unsuccessful in life. That makes kiir envy other people kids in RoSS.

king kong September 7, 2016 at 7:28 am

Dear Osobi, kiir has violated the ” Ten Commandments ” given to human beings to guide people direction if they lost in the way in life.

king kong September 7, 2016 at 7:31 am

Dear Osobi, kiir has violated the ” Ten Commandments ” given to human beings by The Almighty God, to guide people direction if they lost their focus in the way of life.


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