And a message of condolence to the family of late Christopher Allen, a United States journalist who was shot dead by the government army at Kaya during the fight, while on his journalistic mission.
I also extend my condolence to the President and people of United States of America for this tragic death of late Christopher Allen.
By Lt. General Wesley Welebe Samson,
Dear Chairman,

Aug 30, 2017(Nyamilepedia) ——- First of all, i would like to extend my revolutionary congratulations to you, all commanders, officers and men for the fall of Kaya, Kimba, Bindu, Bazi and Gido towns in Yei River State into the hands of gallant SPLA/M IO Forces today August 26, 2017 in the morning. With the capture of all these towns, the South Sudan-Uganda border is now under full control of SPLA/M IO Forces.
The liberation of Kaya, Kimba, Bazi, Bindu and Gido towns from Salva Kiir’s regime is a clear indication that, the government army it now totally demoralized and not ready to fight any more. I now call upon President Salva Kiir to either resign and go home or pursue peaceful settlement of this current conflict. If President Salva decides to choose the path to peace, I recommend that he takes the following lines of action with immediate effect:-
- Dissolve the current government, declare permanent ceasefire and go back to Addis Ababa for another round of peace talks, recommit his government to immediate permanent ceasefire, agree to revive, revitalize and review the dead 2015 peace agreement with full participation and inclusion of all warring groups, Civil Society institutions, religious leaders and political parties and start a new genuine implementation of the signed Peace Agreement, beginning with the following points:-
- Total demilitarization and hand over of security related responsibilities of Juba town and its surroundings to UN Regional Protection Force.
- Immediate formation, training and deployment of a new Joint Integrated police to Juba town and other contested towns as per the revived signed peace agreement.
- Issue a decree to stop operationalization of the thirty two States with immediate effect and form a committee to look into this matter as per the previous IGAD Communiqué, since the 2015 peace agreement was based on ten States and there is no money for operationalization of the 32 States.
- Immediate establishment of cantonment sites for all SPLA/M IO forces in Equatoria and other towns of South Sudan and provision of all needed logistics for them, so that they can be trained and reintegrated into the new army, police, prisons, wildlife and fire brigade forces and the rest into civil service to enable them to participate in rehabilitation, resettlement, healing, reconciliation and development of South Sudan.
- Reconstitute a new parliament and allow the Equatorians to choose a Speaker of their choice without any further manipulation and intimidation as stipulated in the signed peace agreement.
- Reconstitute/establish all institutions of governance as stipulated in the signed 2015 Peace Agreement..
- Start reform process of all institutions of governance as stipulated in the signed 2015 Peace Agreement, beginning with Security Sector Reform.
- Recall all ambassadors, South Sudan Representatives to the United Nations and appoint new ones jointly with other warring parties, political parties and civil society groups as stipulated in the signed Peace Agreement, taking into account tribal, geographical and regional balancing.
- Allow and support immediate and speedy deployment of a regional, neutral protection force to Juba and other disputed towns in South Sudan, as per their mandate and UN status of Forces agreement, so as to facilitate quick return of the legitimate First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar back to Juba to assume his responsibilities and continue with the implementation of the signed 2015 Peace Agreement with you. Remember that, there will be no genuine peace in South Sudan without full involvement and participation of Dr. Riek Machar and SPLA/M IO Forces under his command, since we control most parts of South Sudan. His immediate release and full participation in the South Sudan peace process will surely bring lasting peace in our country.
- Stop wasting money on the current national dialogue as this dialogue will not stop the war and bring lasting peace in South Sudan. This dialogue can only be organized after a new peace agreement has been signed and implemented smoothly.
- Improve security on the roads by removing military from all roadblocks and check points in the Country and replace them with new trained police, so as to allow free movement of goods and people in and out of the country.
- Lift the state of emergency and allow people leaving the country to go without unnecessary security investigation and clearance.
- Release all individuals who are arrested because of having connections with SPLA/M IO including James Gadat, Aggrey Idri Ezibon and Dong Samuel among others and order the security forces not to arrest, torture or kill any civilians or loot their properties.
- All those who have lost their properties be compensated so that they can rebuild themselves and start a new life.
- Let all the military be withdrawn from the SPLA/M IO base at Jebel, so that this base can be rehabilitated before the return of the First Vice President and his forces.
- Dismiss the current so called First Vice President Mr. Taban Deng Gai and his team, as they are the real obstacle to any peace agreement and has no control over SPLA/M IO Forces. Taban is no longer a member of SPLA/M IO and has no SPLA/M IO Forces under his command. He is now part of South Sudan government and uses South Sudan Army to fight SPLA/M IO forces. Therefore, anything to do with SPLA/M IO should not involve him. Also stop misleading the world that implementation of peace agreement is moving on well, instead, tell them the truth that the 2015 peace agreement is now dead and you are leading the country illegally.
- Make arrangements to review South Sudan budget, increase and pay regular salaries of all government employees, who have now stayed six months without pay and are suffering with their families, instead wasting South Sudanese money and civil servants salaries to finance the war.
- stop use of relief food as a weapon against the people of South Sudan, by giving what belongs to them to the government army. This is a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law.
- Stop using of relief aid as a weapon against SPLA/M IO and allow UN Agencies, humanitarian NGOs and civilians to move and work freely in all parts of South Sudan, regardless as to who controls them.
- Respect freedom of press, rule of law and human rights.
Once President Salva takes the above mentioned actions, we in SPLA/M IO will respond positively. However, if he continuous to fight with SPLA/M IO, we will soon push him out of Juba militarily.
I now call upon all South Sudanese to join SPLA/MIO so that together, we can quickly get President Salva Kiir out of power, end the suffering of our people, sign a new peace agreement and restore an all-inclusive democratic government in South Sudan. We in SPLA/M IO are ready for peace and have a clear road map for achieving a lasting peace in South Sudan, while President Salva Kiir and his cabinet are busy planning to further extend the their term in office illegally by military means.
Remember that national dialogue, reunification of SPLM and calling for 2018 national elections without signing a new peace deal with SPLA/M IO, civil society institutions and other warring groups will just be a waste of time. Priority now is to end this war in a sincere, honest and genuine manner, then all other things will follow. I therefore advise President Salva Kiir to first seek PEACE FOR SOUTH SUDAN then all other things will follow smoothly. Remember that SPLA/M IO will never be defeated militarily, as we are growing stronger and stronger day by day and have a just cause to fight for.
On the other hand, I would like to extend my heartfelt condolence to the family of late Christopher Allen a United States citizen and journalist, who was shot dead by South Sudan government army at Kaya on August 26, 2017 while on his official journalistic mission. I also extend my condolence to the President and people of America for this great loss. May Almighty God rest his souls in eternal peace. We the Leadership, members of SPLA/M IO and the entire South Sudanese community will remember the sacrifices, contributions made and services rendered with intention of bringing peace and development to our country by late Christopher Allen, government and people of United States of America.
I appeal to United States President Donald Trump and his Government to help us and bring lasting peace in South Sudan, starting with the release of our Chairman and Commander In Chief Dr. Riek Machar Teny from unlawful detention in South Africa, so that he can join us in our search and struggle for genuine peace, justice, healing, reconciliation, rehabilitation and development in South Sudan.
Struggle continues and victory is certain.
Lt. General Wesley Welebe Samson
Deputy Chief of Staff for Training
SPLA/M IO Headquarters
Pagak/South Sudan
August 27, 2017