Contributor's Peter Kleto

Dear Comrades and Fellow Citizens of Equatoria

By Peter O. Kleto

Dear comrades, my fellow citizens,

SPLA-IO officials training youth in undisclosed locations in Equatoria to wage rebellion against the Juba regime(Photo: file)
SPLA-IO officials training youth in undisclosed locations in Equatoria to wage rebellion against the Juba regime(Photo: file)

August 4, 2017(Nyamilepedia) —— It is my humble concern to inform you my dear comrades and citizens of South Sudan especially my people of Equatoria regarding the state of affairs in the Equatoria region. First, I would like to note that this war is not about Dr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Thomas or Bakasoro you name them but about the freedom of the people of South Sudan. The National Salvation Front as we all know is a project design in Juba by Thomas, Museveni and Jieng Council of elders to divide the SPLM/A IO so that Kiir will remain in power forever and Thomas and his followers will be rewarded for betrayal.

The political strategy is for Thomas to form a separate movement and claim to be fighting Kiir, this is to blindfold Equatorians to think it is a movement of their son and that they will blindly follow like how some like Kenyi Loburon has fallen into the trap. The people of Equatoria have build IO in Equatoria and have sacrifice alot and will never and ever allow that effort to be watered down by traitors who are only seeking for positions and not for good governance in the country. The politics of regionalism and tribalism that NAS is using a card to pit Equatorians against others must be crush and buried once and for all by collective effort of all Equatorians who love Equatoria and the country.

Some of us have been question why should you follow a man whose hotel bill is being paid by the regime he claim to fight? Why should you follow a man whose real agenda is to return you under a man who force you to leave the country and fight? The unity of Equatoria was very strong and the govt was shaking and now the govt have some breathing space because the man they send to divide manage to get some few corrupt and blind supporters. SPLA IO is there to stay and anyone who is an obstacle to the road of the train will be crush and the struggle will continue until our people are free. Equatoria IO VIVA, NO room for traitors. Thank you.


Well I go through this very meaningful and I do find a room for what this freedom fighter claims as true. History repeat itself . I remembered one of our scholars Dr. Richard K Mulla after the split in 90s was send as well as Agent the man climb the high Rankings of newly Nasir faction and later strike in a move nearly shaken the entire movement? Well it would be up to Thomas’s and his loyalists to come out clean because those allegations had been there since day one of his likely crown Hotel Rebellion of Taban Deng Gai. I think the very forces he loured and claim to be his are mare than enough to wage a war and protect Equatoria civilians since ever before but seems the man has those very destructive agendas to weaken IO in Equatoria Regions because the regime in juba fears to death from the ongoing uprising of opposition within and surrounding of the capital. We all know when our brothers in Equatoria disown you they throw without any regret means you’re bad for last and for good. The coming few days will show us either we’re wrong or right on our analysis cde. Peter. I hold my judgment but there’s no any smoke coming out of NAS at all ??

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Bismark LoWani August 5, 2017 at 12:35 am

It would be logical if IO distributes the logistics on equal basis. In the last war we saw equatorians used as cannon fodders and when peace came please tell us who got the power that is wrongly used. Now in equatoria the ground fighters are Equatorians under officers from elsewhere like it is history repeating itself. People are using light weapons to fight while their counterparts in Upper Nile have better equipment for defence. Surely the blame goes to IO for failure to supply tools for defence. If the tools were available no one could think of forming a different war movement. In previous Anyanya weapons went from Equatoria to all regions for war effort but since 1983 we saw strategic weapons are selfishly kept those who think liberation struggle is a monopoly of certain communities that bring differences of opinion. In fact it would be good it people form what we call peoples struggle with people defending their home lands. Equatoria for equatorians, Upper nile for upper nileans and Bahr el ghazal for those from that land so that in the end we meet work out a government that is trully representative of all those regions with a balanced power. This time it is not time for deception.

Son of Western Bahr el Gazal August 5, 2017 at 8:05 pm

Mr Peter Kleto,
I don’t know you. However, this is a cheap and shameful propaganda. No one will buy to it.
What has your master Dr Riak Machar achieved all these years? He has been leading the IO since 2013.
You Kleto, you are one of those low self esteemed losers, who believes that only Salva Kiir and Dr Riak are the only ones to lead the country. If your Riak cannot manage his IO how is he going to fix the total mess that we are in?
We are sick and tired. We don’t want to hear that same old rubbish ‘we are starting from scratch’. No, no more Kiir and no more Riak.
While I feel sorry for the innocent Nuer who mercilessly were massacred in Juba in 2013, and while I sympathise with all those brave and bold Nuer men who gave their lives sacrifice for others, I do not believe that Dr Riak is the right person at this juncture to get us out of the mess that the SPLM has plunged the country into.
No one can make Riak Machar or Thomas Cyrillo Great. Let them earn it – It is deeds and not words. Time will tell. Stop lecturing us rubbish. Who the hell do you think you are?
We are free people, we are not slave.
Away with your hatred and falsehood.


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