Jan 20, 2017(Nyamilepedia) —— It was not a happy New Year in Panyijiar County because the SPLM/A regime in Juba have issued a draconian decree barring all Humanitarians Agencies from delivering relief foods and medicines to the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) and the Nyuong community at large.
Over the years, SALVA KIIR’S regime keeps battering innocent citizens on all fronts, and I ask him to leave this none violent community alone. He should stop using violence as a way of forcing people to sing undeserving praise for him. All I know is that these people would not bow-down in the face of threats and intimidation, and retreating is not in Nyuong community’s DNA. If I were him, I would use peace and resource delivery as a way of encouraging people to support him.
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In a weird Circular dated 31st December, 2016, the infamous National security services (NSS) have ordered eight NGOS that were working in Nyuong territories to pack and leave without giving an iota of reason. They further threatened NGOS personnel to evacuate, adding that there should be no movement to and fro, via Air and sea in and around Panyijiar County, and that it will shot down any plane or boat going there. It has taken 21 days since this sanctioned came to effect; perhaps people might have lost their lives. I must say this ominous order was not only primitive, uncalled for but also unwarranted. The below mentioned NGOS were ordered to withdrew on the aforesaid date,
1. International Rescue Committee (IRC)
2. Oxfam
3. United nations industrial development organization (UNIDO)
4. American Medical Association (AMA)
5. Mercy-COPS
6. International Medical Corps (IMC)
7. Sign of Hope
8. World Food Program (WFP)
Since the publication of this order, everything has come to halt. Sick, wounded, and patients are not receiving any medical attentions because clinics were shut down.The hungry ones have nothing to feed on. Salva Kiir knew vast majority in that area depend solely on relief Aids after he unleashed the war in the country. This vile order was meant to cut their lifeline and their only mean of survival. It is true, the situation has deteriorated there; right now thousands are languishing in abject poverty. In view of the foregoing, all relevance Agencies should intervene in this dire situation.
I wish to state without any contradiction and fear of reprisal that President Salva Kiir and his surrogates have no moral and legal grounds to stop humanitarian access in Panyijiar County, and in other part of the country. He owes thing community nothing. The Panyijiar community never received even a needle or razor blade since SPLM regime ascends to the helm of state affairs; as such, the two are therefore incompatible. Acting in such harsh manner will only jeopardize the chances of reconciliation.
The ban on NGOS operation in South Sudan violates International and domestics statutes. It is therefore our solemn and collective duty to condemn this blatant disregard for human rights in Panyijiar County. Peace and human rights cannot flourish at the whims of Salva Kiir simply because he is on power. The power he is misusing belongs to the people, and should be exercise in theirs favors. Time has come to tell ourselves the truth no matter who it is for or against. We have dominated the news for bad and wrongs reasons, and Salva Kiir is the author of all our challenges. I attributed these drawbacks on him; other culprits are mere conduits whom he invited to help him in destroying the immortal house of South Sudan.
This slam on access to foods Aids and medicines is a slap on all our faces. And as American President Mr. DONALD TRUMP is being sworn-in today, I extend this petition to him too, I expect him to marshal all democratic leaders to name and shame human rights violators. For very long time, President Salva Kiir and company have perfected the art of breaching public peace and human rights principles in South Sudan. His regime is characterized by runaway corruption, rape and impunity, and they must not be spare.
In light of this, I urge a few individuals who have his ears to advise him to lift this sanctioned today because it is retrogressive in nature. Anyone who loves President Salva Kiir must warn him that such moves will backtrack and haunt him sooner than later. He ought to foresee its political consequences both locally and internationally. His continued military and political arrogance will only breed more chaos and civil disobedience in South Sudan.
Proponents of Addis Ababa Peace Agreement would concur that all embattle parties under Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) are mandated in the peace accord to allow humanitarian access; to cease hostilities and declare ceasefire, and Salva Kiir is no exception. Surprisingly, President Salva Kiir blocked humanitarian access eleven days before he launched his call for national dialogue. After he already condemned these people to hunger and diseases, he then came on cameras calling on people to join him for dialogue.Was this not sheer insincerity on his parts? I think he simply want everybody to regard him as laughing stock.
It is crystal clear that President Salva Kiir has no mercy for those in the oppositions’ home turf that is why majority are indifference to join his dialogue initiative. More often than not, he is fond of insulting our intelligence and values through deceit and political rhetoric, and this unpatriotic attitude must cease otherwise the gains we have made risk miscarriage.
At this stage, President Salva Kiir must have heard an old adage that ‘‘hungry man is an angry man’’Had he known this wise saying, he could have abandon these recurring shenanigans, and learn to do right things first. He should not keep issuing sanctions and unleash violence and at the same time call the same people to dialogue. Well, it was an intra-dialogue which needs his cohorts only.
The truth of this matter is that, Humanitarian access and NGOS operation is anchored in the United Nations charter. People who are displaced and robbed of their belongings are entitled to basic needs. Internal Refugees deserved fair treatment and shelter. Therefore any attempt to sanction and block well-wishers should not be entertain or condone. Salva Kiir’s ban on humanitarian access and NGOS operation should be defied, disrespected and condemn with contempt it deserves.
I hereby calls on South Sudan peace guarantors to remind Salva Kiir to respect the terms and conditions of the peace agreement failure to which, he will be forced out militarily like Gambian President Yaha Jammeh who is due to be ousted this afternoon by ECOWAS. This sluggard regional block, IGAD should learn a lesson from West Africa states and avoid shielding impunity. I’m not pleading with Salva Kiir, in fact we should demand and compel him to act soundly and within the confines of the National accord.
In case, he forget, he should be reminded that it was the same peace agreement he is now defiling that legitimizes his stay in office as President of South Sudan, so if he does not do so, the Peace Guarantors and South Sudanese patriots have moral and legal responsibility to dethrone him by any means available at their disposal. ‘‘TOGETHER WE’RE NUMBER ONE’
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