August 4, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– Former Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Professor Peter Adwok Nyaba, calls for a national democratic revolution to change the status quo and to prevent South Sudan from failure and collapse.
Contrary to calls for UN trusteeship, Dr. Adwok believes that the best mean to resist and reverse Salva Kiir’s kleptocratic totalitarianism in the country is through nationwide revolution. He reiterates that the conditions for this revolution have been provided by Salva Kiir’s inspired coup against Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan(ARCISS).
In a brief article, meant for social media consumption, Dr. Adwork highlights why revolution rather that UN trusteeship would be more effective and sufficient for the case of South Sudan.
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Revolution Not UN Trusteeship will resolve South Sudan crisis!!!
South Sudan was born a fragile state trending to failure and collapse. Its people not having known peace and stability since the Turco-Egyptian invasion and occupation of northern Sudan in 1821. All that we have known since then was violence, resistance, pacification,
All that we have known since then was violence, resistance, pacification, rebellion and divisions which engendered the culture of brutality and dehumanization and now at the apex of all this is ethnic nationalism buttressing a kleptocratic totalitarianism. This did not allow the emergence of patriotic leadership.
Let us not confuse regional third party intervention force, whose mandate is protection of civil population, with UN stewardship call it trusteeship. What South Sudan needs is a revolution that will bring to the fore patriotic and progressive leaders who will steer the country away from anarchy, conditions socio-economic and cultural underdevelopment and ignorance that submerge their consciousness.
The conditions for this revolution have been provided by Salva Kiir’s inspired coup against ARCISS which Gen. Taban Deng clumsily executed in the SPLM/A (IO).
It means transforming civil war into the national democratic revolution to address the pressing issues socio-economic development particularly in agriculture which is the mainstay of our economy; the construction of a democratic developmental state; addressing the nationality question in order to ensure justice, freedom and solidarity among our people.
The revolution rather that UN trusteeship will cleanse South Sudan society of the filth generated by the SPLM political military elite and their NCP moles who catapulted to the helm consequent to the distortions that occurred during the war of national liberation (1983-2005) and rehumanize our people, reunite the to forge a commonality, which trumps parochialism, localism, ethnic, religious or regional bigotry.
That, to me, is the only way out of the quagmire the country is in, and to prevent it from sliding into historic oblivion.
Dear all Shilluk politicians, the only solution in South Sudan is to vote Salve Kiir Mayardit out office and not pushing him by war. Demanding revolution will let Salve Kiir stayed in power.
That is bullshite mr.adwok u will never succeed until u die
Revolution,Do It Yourself (DIY) with your children or Lam Akol and his children. Majority of our people had fully supported SPLA/SPLM in the paster,later SPLM in general and particularly John Garang became a disaster and a nightmare.
I meant the past, we will not repeat that again because of our youths have no future. Revolution will come throught a Ballot Box and not throught violence. Thankful South Sudan has been Liberated.
Professor Peter Adwok Nyaba,is totally knock the point, this country is not for Dinka is for all. The Dinka (JCE) must be remove by force and this is the time. let all 63 tribe slash them out from bad government if they will be still ruling us God will continue to punish us because their leadership is under curse
Leitut the problem of south sudan does not require alienation of one group but rather looking on way forward. First tell riek to quit politics. It is because of him that dinka people find reason to support kiir which otherwise does not enjoy dinka support any more. Also remember dinka are 40% of national population. Alienating them is not quick fix but creation of more wars. Peaceful transition of power is what south sudan want not rebellion. Kiir is ready to go as longer as dogs like Riek fully quit politics. I’m number one critic of kiir but seeing dogs like Riek advocating for leadership put my critism toward kiir at shame.
I think what Dr.Adwok Nyaba needs is A Wok ,Health and walk well. He should forget a revolution.
Another brainwashed here,i can’t mentioned that my own brothers are no good or i quit them for while. They have been destroyed by John Garang confusion and no good.
There not thing s will prevent this revolutions, all option has been tried and yet they don’t get, we will topple this tribal regime South Sudanese no matter what, there will be no save haven for this tribe,
Peter Adwok is right. there is no time for ballot box as the current leadership is not ready for that. The worse thing which is engrossed in the mind of South Sudanese is tribalism. Peter writes as a South Sudanese not as a shulluk.
Dr. Nyaba you missive is applicable in countries that respect democracy like the western world. The Kiir and his acolytes feel deprived if they lose power and will work to maintain it even through hooks and crooks.
The Kiir government is now very weak. THE IO should seek only some antiaircrafts to neutralize their only aerie power. Infant and mechanized battalions are less effective especially in Equatoria. A few antiaircrafts will see Kiir within acouple Weeks down.
Please hurry this during this season as hate towards the government is still steam hot.
South Sudanese need to unite and revolt against Kiir government so that the country relaxes and enjoys peace forever.
Fall of murderous jce regime is so close, South Sudanese will soon celebrate a victory and an eternal freedom.
Comrade Adwok is right…
I like what Dr Adwok is saying, which is a broad framework for nation building in South Sudan. However, what is needed now is a formation of a broad-based armed opposition by non-Dinka tribes and some good Dinka to fight, degrade and defeat the JCE-inspired evil Kiir’s regime. This is a precondition for whether the South is put under the UN Trusteeship or strengthened by a third force. Why? because, no country in the world want their soldiers to die while on peace-keeping duties. (Have you heard that the UN soldiers stood-by while Nuer women were raped just outside the POC?). Thus, the new army, which must include the IO, should be armed a la Syrian rebels in order to this preliminary job. After that, we can welcome any institution to assist the South to move to the democratic revolution favored by Dr Adwok.
Any mean that will changes regime of Salva Kiir is the best solution to the south sudan crisis. So, let all the oppositions use all ways to remove Kiir out power, whether by UN-trusteeship, rebellion, Democratic revolution or coup is acceptable to the people of South Sudan.
beek the goat,
which country in this world world has wars in all its forests? South Sudan now has wars in every state. This shows that it is not longer a country. Those who claim to say this country is in peace dont have minds just like you. Remember me from day one, my name is DINGIT NA TUGGÖ means only time tell. You have this time, revoulutions everywhere
The dichotomy of UN Trusteeship vs National Democratic Revolution are both possible solutions depending on whichever comes first. However, UN Trusteeship is preferable over the other option because it has both the capacity and resources which for immediate intervention. Our people have suffered too much and cannot wait any longer. UN Trusteeship is als neutral and will work for the general good.
Professor Adwok should understand that President Kiir could only be remove by secret ballot, otherwise all will rebel and come back to him as various defection sections are currently in Juba.
Good age and i think Nonagenarian like Peter Adwok Nyaba needs only Social workers and live in peace than revolution. He has live long because he cares of himself only. We will not support you again. Please retire and leave our people in peace.
I ‘m very amazed how the desperate politicians talk like with a shallow minded and the forget about what they did. I am for peace in South Sudan and not war with hatred toward one community. You’re fueling the war and that will not help us. Please work for peace and love for all as South Sudanese. God bless us all.
Magog has a point but a revolution is a better option
Truely what is demanding by professor.Adwok is a time matter.democratic revolution is at the door .being impossed by kiir regime. Bv those who talk for voting as a solution to the Dillema Are wasting words.
Sorry Mr adwok nyaba, l know u will said li like because of yr stupid mined, talking about revolution while another foolish men pagan & lam Akol are crying for foreign intervention , idiots all shilluk, u go died all if u try.
I think prof. Adwok is being naive in his call for revolution. Adwok n Lam have never agreed with any system. This is demonstrated in the Nasir declaration. They disagreed with Dr. John n instead of defending people from the common enemy, they turned their guns against them. Unite people don’t incite n forget about being leaders in this country because we will never trust you get that into your heads
we said what south sudan need is peace not war no day dinka will be out of whatever govt weather big or small govt. we should be there.govt does not mean president nor first or second vice president.govt is a sequences and we will be there until end of the world as long as south sudan belong to 64 tribes.slow down guys.
Bravo Dr. Adwok you nailed it, any means possible. All roads will leads to end our masses suffering via allies. Rev pre conditions exists already. Thus, it is the work for all multicultural peace loving South Sudanese of 64 communities of SS. I do highly appreciated yr strong view as a nationalist hero who fought Jallaba or Torok theeili-wac from Any-Anya one in the earlier 60th as well as SPLA/SPLM 1983-2005, no doubt about heroic contributions in SS.
Hence, for those children of cobra-snakes of JCE their evil seeds and myopic disrespect of others opinions will lead to ” maath-spell sooner and not later”. Dr. Nyaba is Junobiee shouldn’t be classified as Shilluk, when expressing details strategies regarding National issues. That is why SS weather away due to such eccentric JCE and Cowboy chief with no visions. Okay let us see who will win and who will lose.
If humanitarian situation is appalling and human rights too, what else do kiir’s want to do for civilians? Dehumanized them,cannibalised them and raped them. NO, SPLA/M IO & Revolution Angle’s forces will stop Mrs. Gen Chief of staff Paul Malong Awan from messing with civilians lives in SS, soon. Logic trumps over Makuei Lueith lies, disgruntled and despicable shame action to kill peace in SS. God Save SS.
It’s absolutely ridiculous for Dr. Nyaba to voiced opposition to putting the country under the UN trusteeship while most South Sudan tribes don’t join the fight against Dinka madness.